Us and az flag

Historical landmark immigration issues from U.S. and Arizona

  • The Naturalization Act of 1790

    The Naturalization Act of 1790
    The Naturalization act of 1790 formed a uniform rule of naturaliztaion. It required that immigrants who were "free white persons" of "good moral character" have a two-year residency.
  • The Naturalization Act of 1798

    The Naturalization Act of 1798
    The Naturalization Act of 1798 is considered one of the Alien and Sedition acts. It act allowed the President John Adams to deport immigrants thought of as dangerous and increased the residnecy requirement to 14 years.
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    Revised Naturalization Act of 1798

    In 1802 the Naturalization Act of 1798 was revised by the Jefferson administration. The residency requirement was reduced from 14 years to 5 years.
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    A Manifest

    In 1819 Congress passed an act that would require shipmasters to give a manifest recording all immigrants that have been transported for immigration. Annually, the number of immigrants that have been admitted is to be reported to Congress by the Secretary of State.
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    United States Census

    In 1850, the United States census began surveying the "nativity" of citizens.
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    The Naturalization Act of 1906

    The Naturalization Act of 1906 standarized the naturalization procedures. Some knowledge of English was made a requirement for citizenship. The Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization was also established by this act.
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    The Alien Registration Act

    Registration and fingerprinting of immigrants in the United States over the age of 14 is a requirement of the Alien Registration Act.
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    Proof of Citizenship

    In 1996, Russel Pearce wrote a law that Legislature passed. That law requires proof of Citizenship to get a driver's license.
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    Chandler Police

    For five days, the Chandler police and Federal agents round up suspected illegal immigrants. Of the 340 arrests they made, they took some legal residents into custody. Later, City officials pay $500,000 in legal settlements.
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    Bilingual Education Banned

    In 2000, voters passed a requirement for English immersion in schools.
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    Proposition 200

    In 2000, voters also passed Proposition 200 which would deny public benefits to people who are in the country illegally.
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    100,000 March

    In 2006, large rallies are held and over 100,00 march to the state Capitol to support immigration reform
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    Trio of Balot Measures Plus One

    In 2006, voters passed four ballot measures. The first three were related to illegal immigration and the fourth made English the official language of Arizona.
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    Fines Against Employers

    In 2007, Legislature passed a bill that holds fines aginst employers who have hired illegal imigrants.
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    Immigration Sweeps

    Immigration sweeps in the Maricopa county began in 2008 and were run by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070
    The Senate Bill 1070 was intoroduced by Russel Pearce.
  • SB 1070 Constitutional?

    SB 1070 Constitutional?
    On April 29, three lawsuits were filed in federal court. These lawsuits challenged the Bill's constitutionality.