450 BCE. Empedocles proposed that matter was composed of four elements: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. He also proposed powers called Love and Strife which acted as forces to mix and seperate the four elements. -
Greek Philosphers
Ancient Greek philosophers thought about matter and came up with ideas in their mind about how matter behaves but rarely did experimentation. These philosophers include: Empedocles, Democritus, and Aristotle. -
BCE. Democritus suggested that matter was made of tiny particles that could not be broken down further. He called these particles 'atomos", which means indivisible. He is referred to as "The Father of Modern Science" -
350 BCE. Instead of using the atomic model, Aristotle used the four element model. This model was used for almost 2000 years. He also proposed a fifth element: Aether, which is the divine substance that makes up stars and planets. -
May 31, 1050
500-1600 AD. Alchemists were the first to do hands-on experiments with matter. They were part philosipher, mystic, magician, and chemist. They had three main beliefs: 1. Some elements could be changed to into others. 2. They could find a substance that would give them eternal life. and 3. They could produce a universal solvent that would dissolve all substances. Alchemy is now a tradition practiced in Europe, Asia and Egypt.