He did not do much research other than observe plants. Even though he did this he was classified a leading Biologist Scientist. Linnaeus contributed a classification system on a book called "Systema Naturate". The book classified all living organisms, his classification system. (During Darwins research years, he was particularly interested in Hutton because of his research on fossil records) -
Georges Cuvier
Cuvier studied living organisms and fossils. The main thing he studied was extinction. he believed that every animal was there own and that they weren't connected. A lot of scientist never believed that animals that were alive were related to fossils, Because of Cuvier's research about fossils and what he found aligned with Darwin's theory. -
Charles Lyell
Was born the day Hutton died. He grew up to be a geologist. He then wrote a book called "Principles of geology", was then highly accepted and was known as the theory of uniformitarianism. Darwin was inspired by Lyell because he read the book "Principles of geology" while on the HMS Beagle. He was very inspired by the book Lyell wrote because everything Lyell had described. While Darwin was in Chile he experienced an earthquake and was able to relate to Lyell's theory. -
Jean Lamarck
Created the theory of "inheritance of acquired characteristics". Lamarck believed that organisms could pass down acquired traits to their offspring. Or if one part of the organisms body was not used much that it would later disappear and vice versa. His philosophy on life was that things occurred naturally through process and not magic. Darwin was greatly influenced by Lamarck's research but influenced him to argue against Lamarck's theories so he created his own.