Historical Figures

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    Douglas MacArthur

    Commander of U.S. army in the Pacific during WWII, Commander of U.S. forces in Korean Conflict, public criticism of Truman led to his removal.
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    George S. Patron

    Commander of U.S. forces in North Africa and Sicily. Led third Army Across Europe.
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    Omar Bradley

    World War II General, selected by Esienhower to lead U.S. Forces into France after Mormandy invasion, commander during Battle of th Bulge.
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    Joseph McCarthy

    Conducted hearings to identify Communists he claimed infiltrated U.S. goverment.
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    Hector P. Garcia

    Mexican American physician & surgeon during WWII, founder of American G.I. Forum and First Mexican American to serve on the U.S. Commussion on Civil Rights.
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    Phyllis Schlafly

    Conserative activist, founder of Eagle Forum- opposes modern feminism and campaigned against Equal Rights Amendment.
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    Dwight D. Esenhower

    Supreme Commander of D-day & allied invasion of European in WWII, president from 1953-1961
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    John F. Kennedy

    President from 1961-1963, Supported Spcae Race- John Glenn orbited Earth also created Alliance for progress & Peace Corp.
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    Richard Nixon

    President from 1969-1974, Introduced detente with Soviet Union (relaxing of tension and de-escalating arms race)
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    Ronald Reagan

    President from 1981-1987, reduced taxes & regulations to encourage business activity - Reaganomics. Believed you can achieved peace by being prepared for war also his presidency saw the beginnings of the end of the cold War.
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    Bill Clinton

    president from 1993-2001, balanced federal budget-cut spending, raised taxes on rich and closed military bases.
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    Barack Obama

    1st African American President to be elected president and supported heath care reforms & banking reforms.