• 1499


    In 1499 the territory was discovered by Alonso de Ojeda, who arrived there from nearby Santo Domingo, making landfall at Cabo de la Vela. It was not until 1525, however, when the Spanish began a process of colonization of Colombia that led to it becoming a colony integrated into the Spanish empire.
  • Independence

    The Independence of Colombia was the process that led to the end of the period of domination of the Spanish Empire in the current territory of the country. This process was fought in the middle of a conflict developed between 1810 to 1819
  • Slavery Abolition

    Slavery Abolition
    By law 21 of May 21, 1851, the liberal president José Hilario López decreed the definitive freedom of slaves in Colombia.
  • One thousands days’ war

    One thousands days’ war
    The Thousand Days War was a civil conflict in Colombia disputed between October 17, 1899 and November 21, 1902, due to political disagreements. Liberals and Conservatives clashed
  • Banana's Massacre

    Banana's Massacre
    The massacre of the banana plantations is the name by which the massacre of the workers of the United States banana company United Fruit Company at the hands of the Colombian army is known, which occurred between December 5 and 6, 1928 in the municipality of Ciénaga, Magdalena.
  • The Bogotazo

    The Bogotazo
    On April 9, 1948, in Bogotá, Juan Roa Sierra, the liberal candidate for the presidency of Colombia, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, was assassinated, provoking popular uprisings throughout the country. In Bogotá, massive looting occurred and several buildings in the center were reduced to rubble.
  • Dictatorship of Rojas Pinilla

    Dictatorship of Rojas Pinilla
    On June 13, 1953, General
    and civil engineer, Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, overthrew President Laureano Gómez, and held his place as president, until May 10, 1957.
    During his government there were great changes in Colombia such as the introduction of television and the female vote.
  • Television begins in Colombia

    Television begins in Colombia
    Television was inaugurated in Colombia on June 13, 1954, during the government of General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, who was impressed by the new invention during his stay in Nazi Germany as a military attaché.
  • Female vote

    Female vote
    The right to vote for women in Colombia was approved on August 25, 1954 through legislative act No. 3 of the National Constituent Assembly under the dictatorship of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, which was consolidated as a great triumph for the female gender , as it gave him the opportunity to participate in political life.
  • Nobel Prize for Literature by Gabriel García Márquez

     Nobel Prize for Literature by Gabriel García Márquez
    On December 08, 1982, in Stockholm, Sweden, the Colombian Gabriel García Márquez received the Nobel Prize for literature for his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, characterized by its magical realism, where real and fantastic elements are combined.
  • Assault on the National Palace of Justice

    Assault on the National Palace of Justice
    The taking of the Palace of Justice was an assault perpetrated in Bogotá on Wednesday, November 6, 1985 by a commando of guerrillas from the April 19 Movement (M-19) to the Palace of Justice, located on the north side of the Plaza de Bolivar. The M-19 held about 350 hostages. Later, the National Police and the Army surrounded the building and carried out a retake operation.
    The events culminated 27 hours later, leaving 98 dead and 11 missing.
  • Armero tragedy

    Armero tragedy
    The Armero tragedy was a natural disaster resulting from the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano on Wednesday, November 13, 1985, affecting the departments of Caldas and Tolima
  • Political constitution 1991

    Political constitution 1991
    The Political Constitution of the Republic of Colombia of 1991 is the Magna Carta of the Republic of Colombia. It was promulgated on July 4, 1991, by the National Constituent Assembly and is also known as the Constitution of Human Rights, because many rights were recognized and had the participation of all sectors of the population.
  • Peace treaty

    Peace treaty
    The peace agreement is a document that is signed on September 26, 2016 in Cartagena, between the president of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC guerrillas, to end the conflict that has occurred for more than 50 years
  • Coronavirus

    In March 2020, the Ministry of Health declared a health emergency due to COVID-19 and established measures to deal with the virus, including a total quarantine of the population. Likewise, the Presidency of the Republic declared a State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency throughout the National territory.