Nov 15, 1325
The Mexicas started a journey from Aztlan to the "promise land" because their god Huitzilopochtli told them to find it so they could settle down and create a new empire. They had to find an eagle standing over a cactus eating a snake. -
May 30, 1521
Arrival of Spanish to Mexico
Spanish people arrived to Mexico and named it New Spain conquering. -
Aug 13, 1521
Fall of Tenochtitlan
After several battles between Spanish and indigenous people, Tenochtitlan was conquered and every Aztec warrior died in the fight of saving their lands. -
Apr 12, 1526
During this period of time the Spanish people tried to change the religious beliefs of the natives through evangelization. They buried some pyramid building cathedrals over them. -
Mexican Independence
After three centuries of slavery and injustice, the people that where born the New Spain decided to fight for their rights and freedom. And Miguel Hidalgo organized a secret group to plot the Mexican Independence, and the morning of September 16th he gave the famous "Grito de Dolores" to begin the fight. -
Mexico vs. United States
This war began in 1844 when Texas wanted to become part of the United States, and even though Mexico refused to give it up, Texas ended being part of the United States. -
Battle of Puebla
French troops invaded Mexico because of external debts with France. -
Iniciando con la construcción de las vías para el ferrocarril por Anastasio Bustamante otros fueron poco a poco haciendo que el ferri llegara, hasta que Porfirio Díaz llego al poder y aceleró el proceso hasta poder inaugurar el Ferrocarril de puebla a San Martín. -
Mexican Revolution
Mexican people were tired of the injustice of Porfirio Diaz´s government therefore, they started fighting for him to quit the presidency. -
The Mexican Constitution
In 1917 the Mexican Constitution was enacted. -
Guerra Cristera
Plutarco Elias Calles decidió limitar el poder de los sacerdotes en México con la Ley Calles en donde se demandaba que se clausuraran las escuelas religiosas y se limitaba los sacerdotes. El pueblo respondió inconforme y se desato la guerra cristera por tres años hasta que lograron llegar a un acuerdo. -
Creation of PRI
This party was created by Plutarco Elias Calles and it became the most important party governing for almost 70 years. -
Expropriation oil day
This day the president Lázaro Cárdenas nationalized the oil industry so that only Mexicans could take advantage of this resource. -
Women have the right to vote
In 1955 it was the first time that a woman was able to vote in federal elections. -
Movement of 1968
The president Diaz Ordaz gather mexican students in the "Plaza de las tres culturas" in Tlateloco to try to end the movement against the government by killing them. -
The earthquake
On September the 19th this tragedy shook Mexico city with an earthquake of 9.1 degrees. -
It is a regional agreement between the governments of Canada, United Sates and Mexico to create a zone of free trade with a lower cost for the exchange of goods. -
Fin de la hegemonía de PRI
Fox contra la mayoría de los pronósticos vence a su rival del PRI Labastida con 43% de votos, 8 más que su rival. Con esto pone fin al dinosaurio que desde que se creo había ganado cada elección. -
43 Ayotzinapa
En Ayotzinapa entre la noche y la madrugada 43 normalistas se encontraban entre unos camiones, estos salen pero ellos nunca regresan. Mucha gente de toda la nación se une al movimiento "faltan 43, los queremos vivos" para apoyar a la familia y exigirle al gobierno una explicación, con la cuál hasta el momento no están conformes. -
Reforma Energética
Se abre el negocio de los hidrocarburos en México para que exista competitividad y se puedan cambiar los precios dejando que otras compañías participen en su venta.