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Historical Events in Education

By amtheis
  • “Ye Olde Deluder Satan” law

    “Ye Olde Deluder Satan” law
    This law is important because it would place control of education in the hands of civil authorities. Schools would now become publicly funded. Through this law, towns in Massachusetts with 50 households were required to appoint a teacher to teach students to read and write; towns with 100 or more households had to hire a teacher and establish a grammar school. Another important aspect of this law is that towns would raise funds through taxation, charging tuition, and/or by selling land.
  • Cardinal Principles Report of 1918

    Cardinal Principles Report of 1918
    This report is important because it would lay the grounds for current day high schools. In addition to the traditional curriculum, high schools would now offer a curriculum that would not only prepare students for college, but also prepare them for life and work. The idea of having a guidance counselor assist students in choosing their high school classes became important during this time.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This court ruling is important because African American and white students would now be legally allowed to attend the same schools, creating an environment that would prepare students for a culturally diverse lifestyle, both in and outside the classroom. It is important for all students to have the same educational opportunities, and the impact of this would show with a reduction in the achievement gap between African American and white students in schools that are racially integrated.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act is important because it implemented funding for children from low-income families through the Head Start and Title 1 programs. It is important for all children to have access to additional education support regardless of their family’s financial ability. I feel these programs are important because they would keep the achievement gap from widening and would lay the foundation for what would become the No Child Left Behind Act.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This act is important because it would hold states, districts, and schools accountable for remediating the achievement gap. I feel it is important for all students to be given the opportunity to receive an education that contains highly qualified teachers who are responsible for ensuring that all students pass the state standards’ assessment and to hold these teachers accountable for their students’ learning.