Historical Events from 50s-90s and Forrest Gump

By JadaN.
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    Brown vs. Board of Education

    The United States supreme Court found that segregation was a violation of the equal protection clause. "Separate but equal" has no place. The united states court ruled that state laws established were unconstitutional , which energized the Civil Right Movement in the 1950s and 1960s.
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    Vietnam War

    The United States Feared that when South Vietnam got their independence they will go to a communist government. It was part of the Domino Theory. Thousands of Vietnam and Civilians were killed and millions were wounded.58,000 American soldiers were killed and 300,000 were wounded. This war is often referred to as the Forgotten War. The Turning point of this war was Tet Offensive. North Vietnam and Viet Cong coordinated an attack on targets in South Vietnam.
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    Hippie Movement

    Free spirited men and women who smoked, listened to rock and roll. They expressed the dislike of the United States involvement in the Vietnam War. The scene with Forrest giving the speech actually happen. A soldier was going to give his speech and the speaker malfunctioned. They believed that the government was behind the entire thing.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    An incident where the Soviet Missiles were placed in Cuba as a response for help, which led up to 10 days. This event greatly increased tension between the soviets and Americans. Soviet leader agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba and Kennedy secretly agreed to remove the missiles from Turkey.
  • Desegregation of University of Alabama

    Desegregation of University of Alabama
    George Wallace, the governor of Alabama at the time was for segregation when African American students attempted to enroll into the college. On june 10th, President Kennedy ordered deployed federal troops and two students, VIvian Malone and James. A Hood, successfully enrolled into school that day. Later on, that year in September Governor Wallace again tried to block African Americans this time from getting into Tuskegee High School in Huntsville Alabama and federal troops were again deployed.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    On November 22nd,1963 in Dallas, Texas President Kennedy was riding in a motorcade with Jackie Kennedy when Lee Harvey Oswald shot from a location and killed JFK and J.D. Tippit.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The Civil Rights Act ended segregation in public places and banned discrimination in places of employment. This is considered on of the most crowned legislative achievements of the Civil Rights Movements. The law was proposed by John F. Kennedy and was signed into law by Lyndon B.Johnson.
  • Employment Opportunity Commissions

    Employment Opportunity Commissions
    An economic legislation that was part of the Great Society. It created many social programs to help the poor. It was influenced the Civil Rights Act.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    An African American Revolutionary organization established to promote "Black Power" and self-defense through acts of social agitation. It was an active organization in the united states from the mid-1960s into the 1970. The organization achieved international presence through their involvement in the local community.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    During the presidency of Richard Nixon, burglars were arrested trying to wiretap the phones and trying to steal secret documents from the DNC in the Watergate Building in Washington D.C. Nixon was aware of the burglary and was gonna give hush money to the burglars to get them to stop the FBI from investigating. Nixon's role in the Watergate scandal was exposed and he resigned. He was pardoned of all the he had committed.
  • HIV and Aids Epidemic Of the 80s

    HIV and Aids Epidemic Of the 80s
    The first cases of HIV appeared in 1981. Among those infected many of them were Homosexual and Bisexual minority men. HIV eventually lead up to AIDS and there weren't much research or knowledge on neither of the sicknesses.
  • Black Monday

    Black Monday
    Stock Markets around the world had crashed. The Dow Jones Industrial Average had dropped 22% causing the stock market to plummet in Asia. They crashed in Hong Kong and spread west to the United States. It was one of the sharpest market downturn since the Great Depression.