Robert Borden elected as Prime Minister of Canada
Robert Borden was elected in 1911, and was our prime minister during World War 1. He thought the only way we could win is if we would send more troops. He wanted to use conscription to we could have more soldiers, even though in 1914 he said it would only be voluntary enlistment. He thought we should do this because he saw other countries using conscription. He proposed a bill on men between 18-25, and single men first. -
World War 1 Starts
Many countries were ready for war. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand had started a chain of events which led to the start of World War 1. Alliances started forming: France, Russia, Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Serbia were the Triple Entente. Germany, Austria/ Hungary, and Italy were the Triple Alliance. Austria/ Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia, and if they didn't comply, they would attack. It started on July 28, 1914, and continued until November 11, 1918. -
Battle of Ypres
The battle was fought in Ypres, Belgium. The town was under attack from the Germans. The British, French, and Belgian were allied together, fighting against the Germans, the allies were way outnumbered. After five weeks of battling, the Germans ended it. During the battle, the Germans used a new weapon, poisonous gas. It went from April 22, to May 25, 1915. -
Women Get the Right to Vote
In 1916, women were given the right to vote in four provinces, and it kept going on for the next few following years. It first started in the four western provinces, starting with Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. Then, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and then Quebec. -
Russian Revolution
On March 8, 1917, women left their jobs working at factories to go protest in the streets. Around 90,000 women were protesting, saying they needed food, and couldn't take care of their families. The next day, more than 150,000 men and women were protesting. Soon enough, the town of Petrograd was shut down, since no one was working. It had removed Russia from the war, since it was such an impoverished place. -
Vimy Ridge
Canadians had planned out different attacks and practiced different ways to attack. They had to carefully plan, because Germans were up top of the ridge, while Canadians were coming from under them. THe germans had a huge advantage against the Canadians, because they could see everything going on. Although they had an advantage, the Canadians won the battle after three days. -
Battle of Passchendaele
The Passchendaele ridge was held by Germans, so the Canadians were ordered to attack, to relieve the troops fighting before them. The conditions were horrible, muddy ground and freezing weather, in the town of Passchendaele, Belgium. The Battle of Passchendaele is known as a low point, due to all of the casualties and loss. The British and the Canadian troops won fighting against the Germans. -
World War 1 Ends
World War 1 ended on November 11, 1918. It ended on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month. Germany asked the Allies for an armistice, and signed an armistice agreement. They knew they weren't going to win, so they wanted to end it. It was known as "the war to end all wars", yet World War 2 started later on. -
Winnipeg General Strike
The Winnipeg General Strike started on May 15, where around 30,000 people walked out of their jobs on a general strike. Almost all work and stores and shut down. It temporarily paralyzed the city. Even police officers and firefighters had joined the strike. They went on strike because they wanted higher wages, and better working conditions. It had gone on for 6 weeks, and ended on June 25, 1919. -
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles is a peace settlement that was signed to end World War 1. It was signed on June 28, 1919. It was written by the Allies. The Allies had signed it, along with Germany. It was signed in Versailles, France.