Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus #1
Queen Isabella I of Spain funded Christopher Columbus's journey, and ships Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria heading for Asia and 'the Indies' to find gold and riches. Christopher and his crew sailed from Spanish ports on August 3, 1492. -
Aug 3, 1492
1492 Music, Art, Literature
Music: Missa Et ecce terrae motus “The Earthquake Mass” by Antonie Brumel, 1490s
Art: Chart of Hell Painting by Sandro Botticelli, 1495
Literature: Orlando Innamorto by Mattea Maria Boiardo, 1495 -
Oct 11, 1492
Christopher Columbus #2
Columbus and his ships landed in America on October 11, 1492 unexpectedly, he was trying to find a new route to Asia and the Indies, and low winds caused a delay in the trip.
After Columbus found the New World he enslaved the American Natives forcing them to find gold and riches, of which 10% went to Queen Isabella of Spain, and forced them to convert to Christianity. -
Music, Art, and Literature 1607
Music: Sacred Music by Alonso Lobo
Created in early 1600s.
Art: Fagellation of Christ by Michelangelo Caravaggio
Painting created in 1607.
Literature: Hamlet First time William Shakesphere work performed outside of England.
Performed in 1607 at East India Company ship Red Dragon. -
Jamestown, Virginia #1
In the begining, King James I fundeded the voyage and the London Eutropeneurs Virginia Company to go to "Cheasapeake region of America". Jamestown Virginia was named after the Eutropeneurs and King James I. Captain James and 104 settlers joined the Virginia Company on the journey -
Jamestown, Virginia #2
On May 14, 1607, The Virginia Company, settlers and Captain James Smith found Jamestown, Virigina, “60 miles away from the mouth of Chesapeake Bay.” The goal was then to colonize the region, find riches like gold and silver, and get a water route to the "Orient" -
Jamestown, Virginia #3
After all the settlers and the Virginia Company got to Jamestown, Virginia, they encountered indians (powhattans), which worked very hard for their land. They took the land from the indians because they made no claim to it. This is the Social Justice issue of Jamestown, Virginia. -
Mayflower #1
The Pilgrims were kicked out of Plymoth, England in 1608 when England was under the rule of King James I They started heading toward Providencetown, Mass. from Plymoth, England on Sept 16 1620. The Ship Mayflower was blown off course 500 miles during the journey. After 66 days they landed in Providencetown, Mass. -
Mayflower #2
The Mayflower with the Pilgrims landed in Providencetown, Mass. on November 21, 1620. The pilgrims then believed they were in Jamestown, Virigina because they thought they went completely on course during their 66 day voyage, when in reality they 500 miles off course. -
Mayflower #3
After finding Providencetown, Mass. on November 21, 1620 the pilgrims created the Mayflower Compact. This gave fair and equal laws for the colony and the rule of the majority and consitutional law. This is the Social Justice event of this date. The indians and Pilgrims also created in the November of 1621 -
Music, Art, Literature 1620
Music: The Ballad of Chevy Chase Second Edition
A famous folk ballad rewritten many times including once in 1620.
Art: Village Charlatan (The Operation for Stone in the Head) By Adriaen Brouwer
Painting created in 1625.
Literature: Hortus Palatinus or Garden of the Palatinate by Salomon de Caus
Book about an Baroque garden attached to Heidelberg Castle
and how it became the 8th wonder of the world. Created in 1620. -
Puritans Arrive in America #1
The first of 12 ships containing 1,000 people from England, 300 Puritans and 700 settlers, set off to find Massachuetts Bay. They set off on April 10, 1630. After much sailing they found land on June 12, 1630. -
Puritans arrive in America #3
After the Puritans and settlers arrived in Salem, Massachuetts, the Puritans made sure every boy and girl could read for future needs. This was unfamiliar to the rest of the world and is the Social Justice event with the Puritans. -
Music, Art, Literature 1630
Music: Now Thank We All Our God by Catherine Winkworth
A religous song created in 1636.
Art:Gypsy Girl By Frans Hals
Painting of a Gypsy Girl created in 1630.
Literature: Encyclopaedia by Johann Heinrich Alsted
Worlds first imformaitonal Encyclopedia created in 1630 -
Puritans Arrive in America #2
The Puritan, settlers and Governer Josh Winthrop found what is now Salem, Mas. on June 12, 1630. 1,000 people came to the city on 12 ships a few weeks later. This started the Great Migration which started in 1630 and ended in 1642. They sailed to Massachuetts becuase of other successful voyages and to create a colony, and find riches like gold and silver. -
End of French-Indian War #1
The war between the French-Indian (native American) forces vs. the British forces comes to an end after fighting when the French tried to expand their land through the Ohio River Valley in 1756. This is what made Brittain declare war in 1756. In 1760, the French were driven out of Canda. By 1763 almost of Frances alles were demolished. -
End of the French and Indian War #2
The war was won by Brittain on August 1, 1763. The French, then signed "The Treaties of Huttensburg and Paris" giving away their rights of Canda, Lousianna, and almost of Frances land. That is how the The French and Indian war ended. -
End of teh French ane indian War #3
The French and Indian tribes teaming up and trying to win a war. This shows that the indians were fighting to regain land the Europeans like Brittain took from them and fought as equals with the French to do it. This is the Social Justice event of 1763. -
Music, Art, Literature 1763
Music:Thomas and Sally by Mary Terey Smith and Cappela Savaria
A very popular ophera created in 1760.
Art:The Stolen Kiss by Jean Honore Fragnard
A painting of a mother kissing her daughters goodnight. Created in 1761.
Literature: The Chronicles of the Stone by Cao Xueqin
Great fictional book created in 1763. -
Declaration of Independence #1
Starting in 1774, 56 delegates from the 13 colonies of the U.S. met in Philadelphia. Thomas Jefferson went into teh Congress in the June of 1775 and later became the head of writing the Declaraton of Independence. He then wrote the draft summer of 1776 -
Declaration of Independence #2
The Declaration that Thomas Jefferson wrote was written from June 11-28 of 1776. The draft was then edited by Congress on July 2 and pased on July 4 creating the 4th of July holiday we clebrate every year. -
Declaration of Independence #3
Here's a line from the Decalration, “That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;”.
This is the social justice example of the Declaration of Independence -
Music, Art, and Literature 1776
Music:Psalms and Hymns for Public and Private Worship by Augustus Montague Topladyfat cats
The hit song of 1776.
Art: The Little Swing by Jean Honroe Fragonard
A great painting created in 1775
Literature: The History of the Decline and the Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 1 by Edward Gibbon
A great novel created in 1776 -
1775 - 1783 American Revolution #1
The 13 original American colonies declared independence from Britain in 1776. The Americans got independence in 1776 and called the new country the "United States of America." They then created government and secondary congress. -
American Revolution 1775-83 #3
The other countries including Frece and Spain continued to fight the war for the U.S. freedom from Brittain starting 1778 and ending in 1783. This shows that other countries believed that America should be independent and equal to other countries. Also, ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris -
American Revolution 1775-83 #2
The Americans created government during the war starting 1776. Some U.S. troops were still out there. Starting in 1778, through 1783 other countries fought for Americas freedom because they also believed America should be free. -
Music, Art, Literature 1783
Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Symphony No. 31 in D "Paris"
This piece continued his carrer in music in 1777
Art:The Portrait of Omai by Joshua Reynolds
A portrait of a person created in 1776
Literature:The Old English Baron by Clara Reeve
Popular book created in 1778. Follows Sir Phillip Harclay and Lord Lovel as they try to reclaim the lords throne. -
Bill of Rights/Constituion Adopted & Washington Inaugurated #2
In 1789, James Madison wrote 19 amendments of the bill of rightst. Only 10 of the 19 were passed on Dec. 10 1791. George Washinton was inaguarated as the first president on April 23, 1789 in New York. -
Bill of Rights/Constituion Adopted & Washington Inaugurated #3
In 1787, when the consitution was written the southern colonies of the U.S. made sure the Abolishment of Slavery was left out of the Consitution. This is the Social Justice issue of 1787 -
Music, Art, literature 1787
Music: 2 Preludes 'Thorough all the major keys', Op.39 by Ludwig van Beethoven
This continued Beethoven carrer in 1789.
Art: Lord Heathfield of Gibalatar by Joshua Reynolds
Created in 1787
Literature: The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne by Ann Radcliffe
This castle story involves many stories, Earl of Athlin, Osbert, who wants to avenge his fathers death by Malcolm, the Baron of Dunbayne. Also, Mary wants to be with Alleyn a person not of noble book this was created in 1789. -
Bill of Rights/Constituion Adopted & Washington Inaugurated #1
A new government was introduced in 1787 with a executive, legislative, and judical branch. In 1789 a committe, (Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, William Samuel Jackson, Gouvener Morris, Rufus King) created the Consitution on teh Sept. of 1787 with 4,200 words. 39 of 55 delgates signed it on Sept. 25 1787. -
Lousiana Purchase #2
After much negotiation with Minister of France “Charles Maurice de Talleyrand” and Robert Livingston, the person sent to negotiate. Louisiana was then bought for America on April 29, 1803 for about $14,000,000. -
Lousiana Purchase #3
The Frencha and indians could negotiate a price for Lousiana without war or fighting unlike with the French and Indian War started over the expanision of land over the Ohio River Valley. This is a example of Social Justice here -
Lousiana Purchase #3
French and Americans could negotiate a price for Louisiana without going into a war like the English did when the French expanded their land into the “Ohio River Valley. Example of Social Justice event in 1803 -
Music, Art, Literature 1803
Music: Violin Sonata No. 7 by Ludwig van Beethoven
This violin piece was composed by Beethoven in 1801-1802 and was published in May 1803. “It’s the second of his opus 30 set.”
Art:The Shipwreck by Joseph Mallord William Turner
Very poular painting of a shipwrecked ship when it was creted in 1805.
Literature:Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist by Charles Brockden Brown
These are a series of memories of Carwin who has the ability to “sound like any person he wants.” I Created in 1803 -
Louisiana Purchase #1
New Orleans area and its waterways were very important to shipping in the Americas. In 1801 a secret treaty was made, giving Louissiana to France instead of Spain which Napoleon Bonaparte leader of France really wanted. The Americans sent Robert Livingston to negotiate with Napoleon Bonaparte. -
War of 1812 #1
Brittain tries to get America not to trade with other Countries. Presidnet James Madison signs for war with Brittain on June 18, 1812. We defeated Napoleons French army in teh April of 1814 and the British burned teh White Hose and other buildings on August 24, 1814. -
War of 1812 #2
After many other battles with Brittain and its allies. The Treaty of Ghent was signed on December 24, 1814 and President Adrew Jackson ended the war with British defeat on January 8, 1815. -
War of 1812 #3
Brittain stoppong U.S. trade with other countries and stopping our land expansion is the reasons why we went to war and is the Social Justice issue of 1812 -
Music, Art, Literature 1812
Music: Violin Sonata No. 10 by Ludwig Van Beethoven
This piece of Beethoven was written in 1812 and published in 1816 and continued Beethoven’s massive music career.
Art: Flatford Mill from the Lock by John Constable
This painting was Created back in 1812.
Literature: The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss
This popular fiction book was published in 1812 and inspired 2 movies in 1940 and 1960. It is, “family values, good husbandry, the uses of the natural world and self-reliance.” -
1812-1861 Growth of Manufacturing #2
Also, in 1815 new canals and roads were created for the Americans to find land easier and more. Created by John Caulhorn. -
1812-1861 Growth of Manufacturing #3
When Missouri was found from the road system and was made a slave state, which means slavery is allowed. This is the Social Justice issue here -
Music, Art, Literature 1812-61
Music:Silent Night by Josef Mohr and Franz Xaver Gruber
This hit song of 1818 is still a well-known Christmas carol
Art:Graveyard under snow by Caspar David Friedrich
This painting of a graveyard in winter was created in 1826.
Literature:Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
This book was created in 1818. It of course follows scientist Victor Frankenstein making a monster. -
1812 - 1861 Growth of Manufacturing
The War of 1812 officially ended January 8, 1815 when the British were defeated by President Jackson's army in New Orleans.
Hnery Clay created "a protective tariff to protect american trade and a transport system" and The Tariff involved paying a 20% charge on American imported products and he created a bank. in 1816 -
Erie Canal #1
Governor Clinton of New York got $7 million authorized to build a canal to transport goods from Buffalo, NY to New York to reduce the time and cost of transporting things. Construction started October 26, 1825 with a big work force. -
Erie Canal #2
The Canal was finally built at 425 miles and on October 26, 1825 the Governer Dewitt Clinton rode the Canal to New York on the Seneca Chief Canal Boat. This saved 90% time for trading -
Erie Canal #3
Many people of all different races got the Canal built at a fair price at the time and no one had to start any riots or complaints about getting the Canal built. That is the Social Justice event here. -
Music, Art, Literature 1825
Music: String Quartet No. 15 in A Minor by Ludwig Van Beethoven
This piece was written by Beethoven in 1825 and was performed on November 6th of that year.
Art: The Combat of te Giaour and Hassan by Eugene Delacroix
Painting of 2 men was created in 1826
Literature: Memoirs of the Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, by Thomas Moore.
This biography is about “playwright and politician Richard Brinsley Sheridan” and after 9 years of writing the book was published in 1825. -
1830s Jacksons Presidency #2
Replublicans hnery Clay and Daniel Webster tried to destroy him with Banks and newspaper articles calling him King Jackson. Jackson won the reelection on Dec. 5 1832. Martin van Buren became vice president in 1832 too under Jacksons command. -
1830s Jacksons Presidency #3
When the Democrats, came and supported Andrew Jackson’s notions and they were all people running for office treated equal in the race for Presidency with the Republicans. This is the example of Social Justice event in this time period. -
Music, Art, Literature 1830s
Music:“There’s Nothing True about Heaven” by Thomas Moore and Oliver Shaw
Hit song of 1832
Art:Two men Contemplating the Moon by Caspar David Friedrich
This painting shows what it says in great detail. Was created in 1830.
Literature:The Last Day of a Condemned Man by Victor Hugo
This story shows a day before a man is condemned to die. Was created in 1829. -
1830s Jackson's Presidency #1
President Andrew Jackson made a new America, starting in 1828 when he became president. He took away the electoral colleges, who were used to determine who the presidents were, in his “First Annual Message to Congress”.
He thought the people should vote for who the president is. He also believed that, “government duties could be plain and simple and that offices should rotate among deserving applicants”. This created Democrats who liked him and Replublicans who were aganist him. -
1836 The Alamo #1
People of Mexico want to rid themselves of President Antoonio Loopez de Santa Anna who holes himself and army up in an old Spanish mission, The Alamo on March 6, 1836. William B. Travis and mexicans soldiers attacked early on March 9, 1836 and 600 people dead. -
Music, Art, Literature 1836
Music: Fantasie in C by Robert Schurmann
This was a very good piece of classical music created in 1836.
Art: Seashore by Moonlight by Caspar David Friedrich
This painting in my perspective is a cloudy day by the seashore picture. Created in 1836.
Literature: The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen
This book is what made the animated movie The Little Mermaid real. It’s about a mermaid wanting to become human to be with the human she loves. Created in 1836. -
The Alamo #2
The Battle of San Jacinto ended the Alamo battles and made Mexico a free country. Santa Anna and his troops were sent over the rio Grande River on April 21, 1836. -
The Alamo #3
The Alamo stopped dictator Antonia Lopez from keeping equal rights to the people and natives. In 1724 he established that all local natives must convert their religion to Christianity. The keeping people of equal rights is the Social Justice issue of the time. -
Music, Art, Literature 1836
Music: The Indians Prayer by I. B. Woodbury
This was a hit song of 1846.
Art: Atila King of the Huns by Eugene Delacroix
This painting by Eugene Delacroix is a portrait of the god with great detail. Was created in 1847.
Literature: The Battle of Life by Charles Dickens
This book is the 4th of Charles Dickens 5 children’s books. It follows Grace, Marion the servants Clemency Newcome and Ben Britain and Dr. Jeddler who treats life as a spoof. Created in1846 -
1846 - 1848 Mexican War
In January 1846 Zachary Taylor and troops protect Rio Grande river because of Mexico problems. On April 25, 1846, 16 soldiers from Taylor troop’s dead after Mexican troops attacked.
America declares was on Mexico for issues between the two earlier on May 13, 1846. This included if Texas ended at e nucese or Rio Grande River. -
1846-48 Mexican War #2
After many battles on February 2, 1848, The Treaty of Guadlupe Hidalgo by Nicolas Trist is signed. America got a lot of land from this treaty and Mexican Terrortory got moved to the middle of the Pacific ocean -
1846-48 Mexican War #3
The 2 races of people couldn’t work something out and instead had to go to war just because the Americans wanted to have moer land and not let the Mexicans have the land that they fought for. The 2 races were the Americans and Mexicans. -
1861-1865 Civil War #2
The Confederates eventaully surrendered in teh April of 1865 and the 13th amendment Abolishing slavery was passed around the same time. John Wilkes Booth also shot President Lincoln in 1865. -
1861-1865 Civil War #3
Social Justice issue is about the war because the southern states won’t let go of Slavery, leaving slaves unequal to white people and it took Lincoln many months before his death to just Abolish the practice sometime in 1865. -
1861-1865 Civil War #1
President Lincoln who was against slavery was inauguarted on March 4, 1861, and around that same time South Carolina and 6 other southern states seceded from the United States. Confederates Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jackson fought many battles to stop the Abolishment of salvery. Starting with attempting to hold down fort summers in March 1861 -
Music, Art, Literature 1861
Music: Kingdom Coming by Henry C. Work
This is one of the hit songs of 1862.
Art: The First, Second, and Third Class Carriage by Honroe Daumier.
These paintings show the difference between the classes on a train or car and they are very detailed. All the paintings created in 1864.
Literature: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
This book was turned into a hit play and movie and the story of Frantine and all the other characters live to this day. Created in 1862. -
1865-72 Reconstruction #2
Ku klux Klan began in te south in 1866 in Tenesse and the Black Codes were passed in the south making sure black people didn't get the same rights as whites. In 1877 Rutherford B. Hayes became president. -
1865-77 Reconstruction #3
White people in the south will do anything to keep black people from having the same rights they do. This was with the balck codes and Ku Klux Klan. This is th Social Justice issue here. -
Music, Art, Literature 1866
Music: The Ship that never returned by Henry Clay Work
This hit song of 1865 is the first of 2 by Henry Clay Work created in 1865.
Art: Antony Valabregue by Paul Cezzane
This painting is a portrait of the name of the painting, and was created in 1866.
Literature: From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne
This story was created in 1865 and follows 3 people being put into a moon landing by a rocket. -
1865 - 1877 Reconstruction
After the Civil War, the 13th Amendment of the United States, abolishing slavery was passed on January 31, 1865. More Amendments were passed 14th citizenship amenment in June 1866 and the 15th amenment which gave the black peoples right to vote was ratified in 1870 both by President Andrew Johnson -
1861 - 1900 Industrial Revolution #1
Many inventions were made here including the Football association in 1863, Suez Canal in 1869 as the first “American trans-continental line.”. Also, the telephone by Alexander Ghram Bell was created in 1877. -
1861-1900 Industrial Revolution #2
In 1888 Nikola Tesla makes the first motor engine and Henry Ford starts the car revolution with the Quadricycle in 1896. These are examples of products made in this time. -
1861-1900 Industrial Revolution #3
Many different kinds of people came together without war or conflict and made inventions that changed the world to this day without conflict and everyone got equal representation on a product. -
Music, Art, Literature 1861-1900
Music: Aura Lee by Henry Francis Lyte and William Henry Monk.
This piece of music is about a girl and is used in many piano music lesson books to this day. Created in 1861.
Art: The Potato Eaters by Vincent Van Gogh
This painting shows a couple of people eating potatoes and drinking tea. Created in 1885 by the famous Vincent Van Gogh.
Literature: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
This book is coming of age novel created in 1861. -
1898 Spanish American War #3
he Spanish wouldn’t let Cuba and its people be a free country and be equal to other countries, and instead ended up into another war with the U.S. This is the Social Justice issue here. -
1898 Spanish/American War #2
Battle of San juan Hill occured with Teddy Roosevelt and the rough riders. On December 10, 1898 the Treaty of Paris was signed giving Cuba independence and the phillipines to the U.S. for $20 million dollars ending the war. -
Music, Art, Literature 1898
Music: String Quartet No. 3 by Carl Neilson
This piece of music is the third of Neilson’s four String Quartets and was composed in 1898.
Art: Chateau Noir by Paul Cezzane
This painting of a castle from the outside was created in 1895
Literature: The Mighty Orinoco by Jules Verne
This next book by Jules Verne tells the story “Jeanne’s journey up the Orinoco River in Venezuela with her protector, Sargent Martial.” It was created in 1898 -
1898 Spanish-American War
U.S. battleship, Maine, sunk in Havana, Cuba harbor by Spanish after trying to help Cuba get independence from Spain. War then started between the two started on April 21, 1898. Mnay battles went on including one with Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough riders -
1901 - 1917 Progressive Era
The immagrants from other countries brought disease and other stuff in early 1900s.
Ida Tarbell's article exposes the Standard Oil Company poor treatment of workers, starting a revolution to make better working conditions in America in 1904. -
1901-1917 Pogressive Era #2
The revolution included getting improved health care, education, sanitation, and living and work conditions. The 16-19 amendments helped (Income tax, allowing people to vote for senators, prohibits sale of alcohol, and enfranchised women). Theodore Roosevelt also added a Pogressive party before he left office. -
1901-1917 Pogressive Era #3
Owners of companies got to control the nation’s finances while the regular public had to work in harsh unfair work conditions is the Social Justice issue. This is because its unequal to have some people have power and others don't. -
Music, Art, Literature 1901-1917
Music: Much Ado about Nothing by Charles Villers Stanford
This opera was first created a comedic play by William Shake sphere and is now a movie in theaters.
Art: The Vase of Flowers by Paul Cezzane
This painting is a detailed painting of a vase of flowers. Created in 1903.
Literature: The Sea Serpent by Jules Verne
This novel was one of two published by Jules Verne in 1901. The other is The Village in the treetops. No summary was available. -
1917-1918 U.S World War I #1
In April of 1917 German announces their unrestricted submarine warfare policy. On April 6, 1917, the U.S. declares war on Germany On May 7,1917 the British vacation liner, the Lusitania, is torpedoed by Germany killing many of its 2,000 passengers including 128 Americans. -
1917-18 U.S. in World War I #3
Germans during this time wanted to control all the waterways and most of Europe. This is the Social Justice issue of this time period -
1917-18 U.S. in World War I #2
After many battles at sea and on land between the U.S. and its allies and the Germans and their allies, the war ended. This occured on November 11, 1918 with the U.S. as the winner. In total, 50,000 of the 2,000,000 american troops that served in World War I died. -
Music, Art, Literature 1917
Music: For Me and My Gal, by Edgar Leslie & E. Ray Goetz, and George W. Meyer. This was a very popular song in 1917 and used in the movie of same name in 1942.
Art: President Woodrow Wilson by John Singer Sargent
Portrait created in 1917.
Literature: Abraham Lincoln by John Drinkwater
This play was based somewhat on Abraham Lincolns life and was created in 1918. -
1920s Roaring 20s
The 18th Amendment began a U.S. ban on the sale, production, or transportaiton of alcoholand went into effect January 16, 1920. Many new inventions were made including the vaccum and washing machine making house chores a breeze. Also, women now have the right to vote and Hnery Fords mass prodution made it easy for anyone to buy a car from $400 in 1924 -
Roaring 20s #3
The Ku Kulx Klan was made up by racist people in the south who wouldn't let go of Slavery, and would make sure black people didn't get the same rights they do. This is the Social Justice issue of the time period -
Music, Art, Literature 1920s
Music: Chicago by Fred Fisher
This popular song was created in 1923 and appeared in movies Jokers is Wild in 1957.
Art: Fountain of Time by Lorado Taft
This sculpture was created in 1920 and is still in Washington Park in Chicago.
Literature: The Beautiful and the Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
This novel is the second by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It’s about Anthony Patch and his wife Gloria, his army service and alcoholism. Created in 1922 -
Roaring 20s #2
During the 20s radio became a big thing with 500 stations created in just 3 years in 1923. The Ku Klux Klan also was joined by millions and crime leader Al Capone began in the early 1920s. The last big thing was the Jazz Revolution which sold 100 million records in 1927. -
1930s The Great Depression #2
During this time, job searches were hard, with 1,000s of people applying for 1 job. Also, farmers went to California for Agricultural jobs. Near the end of the 1930s, Franklin D. Roosevelt created the New Deal programs which helped farmers (AAA), unemployed people (WPA) and others (CCC). -
1930s The Great Depression #3
The people of all kinds searching for jobs as equals without conflict or issues is the Social Justice event of the 1930s. -
1930s Great Depression #1
The Stock Market crash on October 29, l929 really started the Great Depression by leaving all of its investors bankrupt, losing their life savings. Many banks and buissnesses closed because they didn't have enough money to pay investors. The Buissnesses had to fire many of the people, too. The Dust Bowl, which meant no rain and dust stroms made many farmers bankrupt, because of no crops or soil in the 1930s -
Music, Art, Literature 1930s
Music: Stardust by Isham Jones
This hit song about love was created in 1931.
Art: American Gothic by Grant Wood.
This famous painting is still used in art classes. It was created in 1930.
Literature: Tarzan the Invincible by Edgar Rice Burroughs
This is the first of 14 books of the guard of the jungle Tarzan and was created in 1931. The movie was made by Disney later on. -
1941 - 1945 World War II
December 7, 1941 the Japanese dove their planes into U.S. Navy ships in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii unexpectdly, starting American involvement in WWII. Also, during World War II the British and Americans teamed up to defeat the Germans and Japanese. Hitler, led the Holocaust from 1941-45 killing 6 million jews in concentration camps before he shot himself on April 30, 1945 -
1941-45 World War II #2
After man other battles with the Germans and Japanese the war ended on August 10, 1945 when the Japanese surrendered and signed the Postsdam Declaration. The Germans surrendered on May 8, 1945, 9 days after Hitler commited sucide. Up to 50 million soldiers were killed during the war. -
1941-45 World War II #3
During this war the British and Americans put aside their differences and defeated the enemy Japanese and Nazis. This is the Social Justice event of the time period. -
Music, Art, Literature 1941
Music: Chattanooga Choo Choo by Glenn Miller
This song was the top hit of 1941 and involves train noises.
Art: Nighthawks by Edward Hopper
This painting is famous and shows a regular diner open with the waiter and 3 people sitting at the stools. Created in 1942
Literature: Curious George by H. A. Rey and Margret Rey
This children’s book about a curious monkey evolved into a series of books, movies, and a TV show. This book started it all when it was created in 1941. -
1945-89 Cold War #2
Nasa President Dwight Eisehower says man on moon by April 1961. But then President Kenedy said the Man on the Moon would happen by the end of the decade. On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Appolo 11 were the first things on the moon. This is some of the Cold War competition. -
1945-89 Cold War #3
Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin wanted to have big power over thier countries and not let them be free and independent like other countries. This is the Social Justice issue of the time. -
1945 - 1989 Cold War #1
Starting in 1946, the Soviet Union and U.S. started a arms racce in which they started creating atomic bombs. The bombs were never used on eachtogether by bothered many people. Joesph Stalin and the Soviet Union sent the Sputnik into Outer Space, "the first man made object and artificial satelite to be put into space." on October 4, 1957. This started a space race of The Cold War with the U.S. and Soviet Union -
Muisc, Art, Literature 1945-89
Music: Nature Boy by Nat King Cole
This is the 3rd biggest hit song of 1948. Sings about an enchanted boy.
Art: Christ of Saint John of the Cross by Salvador Dala
This sculpture represents Jesus on the cross through crucifixion. Created in 1951.
Literature: King of the Wind by Marguerite Henry
This book created in 1948 follows Sir Barton in horse racing. -
1950-53 Korean War #2
After 2-3 years of fighting in the Korean states, North Korea and South Korea got a new border line on July 27, 1953. This settles all the problems -
1950-53 Korean War #3
North and South Korea couldn't settle their differences without war because both states wanted control of one another. This is the Social Justice issue here. -
1950 - 1953 Korean War #1
North and South Korea different political views start conflicts. non elcted Kim Il Sung rules North Korea and elected Synhman Rhee rules South Korea. North Korea invades South Korea on June 25, 1950 and war begins. U.N. sends soldiers from "Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and the United Kingdom.” to help South Korea on the same date. China supported North Korea. -
Music, Art, Literature 1950-53
Music: That’s Amore by Dean Martin
The #1 hit song of 1953.
Art: Cloud Shepard by Hans Arp
This sculpture was created in 1953 and is shown at the University City of Caracas. Literature: The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis
This book is the 4th of the Narnia book series in 1953. It’s about Prince Riljan the son of King Caspian X missing and Eustace and Jill as they search for the missing son and future king of Narnia. -
Period: to
1950 - 1953 Korean War
In 1949 Kim Ill Sung became non-elected leader of North Korea, while Syngman Rhee became elected leader of South Korea. -
1961 JFK #1
Born on May 29, 1917. John F. Kennedy inaugurated (Jan. 20 1961) as youngest President ever in the U.S. at the age of 43 and to die at 46. Famous speech 'ask not what your country can do for you -- but what you can do for your country'". During his time in office he stopped the Soviet Union from testing nucleat bombs on Cuba in 1963 ban treaty and created a new civil rights legislation. -
1961-63 JFK #2
He wanted, “America to resume its old mission as the first nation dedicated to the revolution of human rights.” He died on November 22, 1964 unexpedly in Dallas Texas by a assassian. -
1961-63 JFK #3
Kenedy wanted America to have equal rights for everyone and went and called for a "new civil rights legislation" to do so. This is the Social Justice event in this time period. -
Music, Art, Literature 1961-63
Music: Stand by Me by Ben E. King
The #1 hit song of 1961.
Art: Map by Jasper James
This painting shows all the U.S. states including some of Mexico, created in 1961.
Literature: James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
This popular book follows James and his life as his parents are killed by Rhinoceras and then is forced to live with his 2 cruel aunts. Created in 1961. -
1968 Tet Offensive #2
In a matter of weeks the North Vietnamese troops were driven out of the South Vietnam cities and in total 45,000 of North Vietnamese troops died. President Lyndon B. Johnson called the American troops back later. -
1968 Tet Offensive #1
Before being called the 'Tet Offensive' in 1968, armed U.S. forces had been in Vietnam for the past 3 years since 1965. During Tet Offensive the U.S. and South Vietnamese troops came together to prevet the power hungry North Vietnamese troops led by Genral Vo Nguyen Giap from attacking South Vietnam cities. -
1968 Tet Offensive #3
The South Vietnamese and Americans worked together to stop the North Vietnamese troops from taking over Vietnam. This is the Social Justice even of the time period. -
Music, Art, Literature 1968
Music: Hey Jude by The Beatles
This is the #1 hit song of 1968 in the U.K. and continues the Beatles success as musicians.
Art: Needle Tower by Kenneth Snelson
This sculpture is exactly what it sounds like. Created in 1968.
Literature: 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke.
Created in 1968, this book is about a unseen alien life and its seeing of other galaxies around the world and encourage intelligent life. A movie about it was released in 1969. -
1973 Armistice Vietnam #1
The Amistice ceasefire in Paris was the last event to the Vietnam War. This event occured on January 27, 1973 and the next day a peace agreement ended the Vietnam War which started in 1959. -
1973 Armistrice Vietnam #2
The peace agreement was signed by Secretary of State William P. Rogers 62 times and North Vietnam Foreign Minister Ngyen Duy Trinh. The treaty lets the to Vietnam sides to stop the struggle soon and not fight anymore. -
1973 Armitrice Vietnam #3
The Americans reached a solution to the war, but they couldn't stop North and South Vietnamese people from fighting. This is the half Social Justice event of the time period. -
Music, Art, Literature 1973
Music: Angie by The Rolling Stones
This is the #1 hit song of 1973 in the U.K. about a girl. It furthered the success as musicians for the Rolling Stones.
Art: Statue of William Churchill by Ivan Roberts Jones
This is exactly what it sounds like a statue in William Churchill’s honor created in 1973 and is still shown in Parliament Square in London to this day.
Literature: Eye of the Strom by Patrick White
This novel tells the story of Elizabeth Hunter and her family, “who still maintains a dest -
1975 Fall of Vietnam #2
As the North Vietnamese came closer the U.S. embassy ordered a evacuation saving some citizens but not all of them before North Vietnam became ruler of South Vietnam on Aptil 30, 1975 ending the Vietnam war completly. -
1975 Fall of Vietnam #3
North Vietnam to control all of Vietnam. That in my opinion is the Social Justice issue of the time period. -
Music, Art, Literature 1975
Music: And All that Jazz by Fred Ebb and John Kander
This hit song was introduced in the musical Chicago and is still loved to this day. Created in 1975.
Art: Vietnam by Nabil Kanso
This painting shows the two different people North and South Vietnamese fighting as it was in the time. Created in 1974.
Literature: The Grey King by Susan Cooper
This book has many storylines Bran Davies a albino loner kid with a adoptive dad Owen who is very protective over him. Also, there is Will who is reco -
1975 Fall of Vietnam #1
Two years after U.S. armed forces stopped fightinh in Vietnam the capitol of South Vietnam, Saigon, was overtaken by North Vietnam soldiers. This was because the South Vietnamese became scared as the North Vietnamese came closer to the capitol. General Theui fled the country and General Doung Van Minh wasn't any help. -
1980s Reagan Era #2
He made the S.D.I. protecting U.S. from Soviet union missles. Only downside Federal Defict Budget went from $80-2-$221 billion by 1986 because of low taxes 70% less than usual.He lastly made Martin Luthor king Jr. a national holiday and helped farmers through bankruptcy during his second term. -
1980s Reagan Era #3
All people of the United States can now vote. That is the Social Justice event here. -
1980s Reagan Era
Became president in January 20, 1981.Reagan wanted to put more money in the hand of businesses and investors, and this became known as 'Reaganomics'. He supplied goods to many other countries, cut taxes, and improve business growth in the U.S. Federal government was cut and State Goverment got to create and pay for government programs. Called "New Federalism" -
Music, Art, Literature 1980s
Music: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
This was the #1 hit song of 1982.
Art: The Three Soldiers by Frederick Hart
This bronze statue was created in 1984 and is still shown at the Washington D.C. memorial mall.
Literature: The Color Purple by Alice Walker
This hit book of 1983 and won Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for Fiction and was later made into a play and movie. -
1989 End of the Cold War #2
The Fall of the Berlin Wall occurs on November 10, 1989 . After that all the Soviet Union states got independence making the Soviet Union dissapear on Decmber 8, 1991. This ended the Cold War after 45 years! -
1989 End of the Cold War #3
All the Soviet Union states or replublics got independence by 1990 making them equal to other states or countries. This is the Social Justice event of the time period. -
Music, Art, Literature 1989
Music: Like A Prayer by Madonna
This was the #1 hit song of 1989 in the U.S.
Art: The Dance by Paula Rego
This painting of people dancing was created in 1988.
Literature: License to Kill by John Gardner
John Gardner wrote the screenplay of the Bond film into a novel. Created in 1989. -
1989 End of the Cold War
Minkhail Gorbachev leader of the Societ Union had a meeting with the U.S. in Reykjavik, Iceland saying "a 50% reduction of nuclear weapons on each side." in October 1986. The Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty banned all nuclear weapons on Decmber 8, 1987. -
September 11, 2001 #2
These 4 events killed thousands of lives and all happened on Septembet 11, 2001. The leader of the Al Queda Terrorist group was Osama Bin Laden who was killed on May 2, 2012. They group wanted the U.S. t stop getting involved in Middle East issues. -
September 11, 2001 #3
Al Queda devastated the U.S. because they wanted the U.S. to syop being involved in Middle East affairs or issues. They wanted everything to stay the same in the unequal Middle East. This is the Social Justice issue of the time period. -
September 11, 2001 #1
The twin towers of the World War Center in New York City collapse after planes crash into them on purpose at 8:45 and 10:30 a.m. by the terrorist group Al Queda . They also hjacked a plane to the Pentagon at 9:45 a.m. The last hjack is known as "United Flught 93 which crashed in a Western Pennsylvania field at 10:10 a.m. -
Music, Art, Literature 2001
Music: Songs in A Minor, by Alicia Keys
This album is the first by Alicia Keys and came in 6th on the best selling albums of 2001.
Art: Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial, by Rachel Whiteread
This statue remembers the 65,00 Jews killed during the Holocaust and is located in Vienna, Italy. Created in 2000.
Literature: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by J.K. Rowling
This book is the 4th in the astonishing Harry Potter series and was released in the U.K. and U.S. August 7, 2000.