Historical events

  • 1600 BCE

    1. Shang Dynasty

    This era of China was led by a man named Tan. (Shang) Focused on Astronomy and Math.
  • 221 BCE

    2. Qin Dynasty

    This was the first ever official empire in China's history. What he did is "Oversaw overseas text."
  • 125 BCE

    3. Silk Road

    After Emperor Wu had been captured and escaped, he came back to China with an accurate map of his travels. This made the international "Silk Road"
  • 105 BCE

    4. Wood... Into flatten white sheets?

    A person named Cai Lun invented flattened white sheets by putting crazy ingredients like bamboo, bark, and some other things to create something called paper.
  • 848

    5. Powder that makes things go boom!

    People who work in alchemy mixed charcoal and sulfur to create a substance with very explosive properties. They were used in the Tang Dynasty to create fireworks and propel arrows.
  • 868

    6. avant-garde press

    The printing press made the first ever known printed book- "The Diamond Sutra". After that was made, they printed calendars and educational materials.
  • 1555

    7. international trade!

    The Ming Dynasty expanded China's silk and porcelain wares. European people were allowed in the empire for the first time as well.
  • 8. Taiwan

    This island was controlled by the Dutch, and after a little while was controlled by the Ming Dynasty with the help of General Koxinga. It was later annexed by the Qing Dynasty 21 years later.
  • 1840

    Europeans brought an extreme addictive drug called opium into the Chinese empire, causing an addiction crisis. The Qing Dynasty banned the drug and a military confrontation was resulted because of it.
  • 10. Taiping rebellion

    A prophet by the name of Hong Xiuquan revolted against the Qing Dynasty with his Christian cult. He was poisoned in 1864 and the conflict took around 20 million lives.
  • 11. The Second Opium War

    England and France wanted China to legalize opium so they invaded Guangzhou. China was scared so in return signed a treaty giving the west more business power.
  • 12. boxer rebellion

    Empress Dowager Cixi began killing foreigners known as boxers. European countries sent troops and China lost and it permanently weakened Qing rule.
  • 13. Republic of China

    Sun Yat-Sen culminated in the Wuchang Uprising and 15 others declared independence from their Dynasty. Sun-tok control of it, and announced the republic to the public.
  • 14. The Communist Party of China

    May Fourth, a movement protesting the Chinese government was finally addressed. Because of this event, the CPC was formed.
  • 15. Shanghai Massacre

    Millions of executions took place when party leader Chiang Kai-shek took orders for it. Which caused the reaction of the opposing Communist Red army.
  • 16. Civil War

    The Red Army and the Nationalist Party begin fighting. This escalates into an 18 year conflict.
  • 17. Taiwan comes back to China

    The Japanese surrendered in World War II, in return, Taiwan returns back to China. It also causes a bunch of violence between Taiwanese and Chinese citizens.
  • 19. Chiang Kai dies.

    After Taiwan's 26 years after "legitimacy" trying to take back China, something unexpected happened. Chiang Kai-shek dies of a heart attack.
  • 18. Richard Nixon comes to China

    Nixon becomes the first president to visit China while serving in office. He met Mao, and PRemier Zhou Enlai.
  • 20. Three Gorges Project

    World's largest hydroelectric dam is being construction. It requires the displaces 1.9 million people.