
Historical Events dealing with immigration

  • Immigration Act of 1864

    Immigration Act of 1864
    This act actually encouraged immigration and they made some arrangements and even created labor contracts for incoming immigrants.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act 1882

    Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
    This was the first las that denied immigrants access into the United States. This made it so Chinese people could not become citizens for the next ten years. This law was passed because peolpe feared their race and also did not want them taking americans jobs away.
  • 1882 Immigration Act

    1882 Immigration Act
    This law stated that all immigrants that landed in U.S. ports were charged a 50 cent tax. The government used this money to help pay for regulating immigration. This law also gave them the right to deny aliens from entering the United States.
  • Contract Labor Law of 1885

    This law prohibited bringing in immigrants under contract to preform labor in the United States.
  • Geary Act of 1892

    Geary Act of 1892
    This law made it so Chinese people were not allowed into the United States for another ten years. This law was extended the Chinese Exclusion act of 1882,
  • Immigration Restriction Act

    Immigration Restriction Act
    This law placed more restrictions on immigration and also gave the okay to remove prohibited immigrants in Australia.
  • Gentlemen's Agreement

    This agreement was between the United States and Japan and it stated that Japan wouldn't issue passports to immigrants and then the United States would let in immigrants who had wives and children already in the U.S. so they could be together.
  • Immigration Act of 1917

    Immigration Act of 1917
    This act restricted immigration from people who were considered not normal in the United States. These people were the ones who had a disablity or something that prohibited them from working at a job.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    This act limited the number of immigrants allowed in the United States. They limited th annual number to only 2% of the population so they had to keep track of how many they let in.
  • Wartime Measure 1941

    This law was passed so that they had the ability to refuse any immigrants visa in order to be safe and protect the country during the war.
  • The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

    This law changed how they chose which immigrants were allowed to enter the U.S. Instead of basing it on what country they came from, they decided based on how they acted. People who disobeyed laws and deseased were denied.
  • Hart-Cellar Act 1965

    Hart-Cellar Act 1965
    This act got rid of the quota system and replaced it with a preference system. This system focused on the immigrants skills and social life with their family. They allowed 170,000 visas a year.
  • IRCA 1986

    IRCA 1986
    This law was passed in order to control immigration in the United States. It is used to find those who came here illegal and those who are hiring illegals. They also started putting more law inforcement near the border to control this problem.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990

    Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990
    This law increased the limited of allowed immigrants in the United States in order to creat diversity. They gave visas to some of them in order to keep them save and unable to be deported.
  • Immigration Responsibility Act 1996

    Immigration Responsibility Act 1996
    This act was passed to inform both illegal and legal immigrants their rights and rules of being in the United States. Everyone must follow certain laws and follow the rules.
  • SB1070

    This law states that those who came here illegal are not allowed here. The purpose of it is to send back those who came here illegally because they are not supposed to be here. It has nothing to do with race, it is reinforcing the fact that people need to follow the proper steps in order to be a U.S. citizen.