Historical Events between 1947 and 1990

  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    United Natiions decided to create an independent state for Jews to go to since the Holocaust had just occured years before. However many of the surrounding Arab countries wanted the land it created many heated conflicts between the Arabs and Israelis.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Airlift

    After the war the United States, Britain, France, and Soviet Union divided Germany into four states. Every country besides the Soviet Union wanted to reunited Germany. To prevent this they cut off all traffic and water to West Berlin so for eleven months America and Britain sent aircrafts to send supplies for 11 months every three minutes. The end result was Soviets lifting the blockade and the Berlin wall in 1961.
  • Six-Day War begins in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    Six-Day War begins in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
    Israeli launches a pre-emptive strike on the Arabs while the Arabs prepare for war. This war ends in Israeil gaining control of Jerusalem, Sinai Pennisula, Golan Heights and the West Bank.
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

    Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
    This treaty was created because of the arms that were being built during the Cold War. Its goal was to disarm, and to stop the spread of nuclear energy worldwide.
  • SALT Talks

    SALT Talks
    Nixon visits the Soviet Union and discusses the limitation of nuclear weapons a country can have. SALT stands for Startegic Arms Limitation Talks.
  • Yom Kippur War in the Arab-Israeli War

    Yom Kippur War in the Arab-Israeli War
    Arabs attacks Israel on the holiest Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur. They fight for twenty days and it ended in a truce and Israel counterattacks. However the OPEC which controls all of the oil places an embargo on the US because the US was sending military supplies to Israel.
  • Ayatollah Khomeini is Supreme Leader of Iran

    Ayatollah Khomeini is Supreme Leader of Iran
    On December 3rd of 1979 Khomeini returned from exile of Iran after the Shah fled. After Khomeini comes to power he returns Iran to an Islamic state and he encouraged radicals to overthrow governments in bordering countries. Khomeini also supports the attack on the U.S. embassey in Tehran.
  • USSR invades Afganistan

    USSR invades Afganistan
    The Soviets indaded Afgantistan in late December of 1979. The United States began to boycott at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow and the U.S.supplied the mujahdeen because they considered the Soviets a threat to the U.S. oil supplies. This caused a rebel group to form called the Taliban.
  • Tiananmen Square protest

    Tiananmen Square protest
    Students from a university began to start protests to gain a democracy and get rid of Communism. The students and many other civialians began an uprising which made the military advance and they wounded and killed thousands. This was a violation of international awareness of human rights.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    After East Germans started to travel to West Germany, East Germany closed its borders which caused protests. The new leader of East Germany soon allowed people to leave, this event resulted in the collapse of the Communist party in Germany.