Jan 1, 1215
Magna Carta
This guarenteed fundamental rights as trial by jury and due process of the law. These rights once only protected those of the upper classes from the absolute power of the king, however this document made it to where it protected all classes. -
Petition of Right
This document limited King Charles I's powers by no longer allowing him to punish/imprision anyway without judgement by the land and peers of the law. It also made it to where he could not impose maritial law, military rule when at peace, or force homeowners to house soldiers without their own consent. -
English Bill of Rights
Prohibited a standing army during time of peace unless approved by parliament. Guarenteedthe right to fair trial, and freedom from ecessive bail and from cruel and unusual punishment -
Albany Plan of Union
This was created by Benjamin Franklin, in which he proposed an annual meeting of represpentatives from each of the thirteen colonies. This group of representative would have the power to raise military & naval armies, make war or peace with the Native Americans, regulate trade, tax and collect taxes on imports. -
The Boston Massacre
British troops fired into a mob of protesting colonists in Boston. These shots killed five colonists. -
The Boston Tea Party
Occured as a protest from the colonists against Britains unfair taxes on tea. The protesting colonists boarded three ships carrying tea and dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor. -
First Continental Congress
A meeting of most powerful men in the colonies to discuss the worsening situation with Britain and how to deal with it. This lasted for nearly two months. -
The Second Continental Congress
This meeting occured and was by force the nation's first government. Remained the government for five years. This congress fought a war, raised armies and a navy, borrowed funds, bought supplies, created a money system, and made treaties with foreign powers. -
The Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration. This was the first time a system was created where the people ruled and weren't ruled by somebody else. -
The Articles of Confederation
This established a strong friendship among the states. This document set up and established the governmental structure, the powers of Congress, and the State obligations. -
Shay's Rebellion
An armed uprising that occurred western Massachusettss that forced several State judges to close their courts. This also included a failed attempt on the federal aresnal in Springfield. -
The New Jersey Plan
This plan kept the unicameral Congress of Confederation. States would be represented on the basis of State equality. -
The Virginia Plan
Called for a new government with three separate branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. Representation in each house was to be based either on each State's population, or the amount of money it gave to support the central government. -
The Philadelphia Convention
This meeting is where the constitution was constructed. Those who attended this convention became known as the Framers of the Constituion.