Historical Eras

  • English Poor Laws

    The English Poor Laws were a system of poor relief actions made existing in England and Wales. The Poor Law system was in existence until the emergence of the modern welfare state after the Second World War.
  • Civil War Era

    During the Civil War, individual change over social reform happened; competence of the poor led to distrust, preference for voluntary action over government action.
  • Industrialization and the Voluntary Sector

    Voluntary efforts to enhance community welfare has been a prominent feature of social welfare throughout U.S. history.
  • Great Depression

    After the stock market crashed, more than 100,000 workers were being fired on average every week. When FDR was in office, his first order of business was to alleviate suffering by providing food, shelter, and clothing for millions of unemployed people and their families.
  • Post-World War II

    Brought us food stamp programs to support families in need, helped create networks for citizens in need.
  • Languishing

    Nixon's presidency enlarged the scope for the food stamp administration and broadened their horizons by making it a federal responsibility and by making participation mandatory for all states.