Historical Energy Events

  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    He tied a key to a kite and sent it flying during a lighting storm to experiment the electricity that was drawn from the clouds.
  • Thomas Davenport

    Thomas Davenport
    He invented the electric motor
  • William Robert Grove

    William Robert Grove
    He evented fuel cells tha produces electricial energy by combining hydrogen and oxygen
  • Samuel Morris

    Samuel Morris
    He invented the electric telegraph, allowing people to send long distance messages
  • William Stanley

    William Stanley
    Coil transformer and alternating current electric system
  • Thomas Edision

    Thomas Edision
    The invention of the incandescent light bulb
  • Charles Bush

    Charles Bush
    Built the first wind turbine that generated electricity
  • Henri Becquerel

    Henri Becquerel
    Fomring electricity directly from the sun
  • Piero Ginori Conti

    The first geothermal electric power plant
  • Edmund Bequerel

    Edmund Bequerel
    Studies of the solar spectrum , magnetism, and electricity. Photoelectic cells were found.