Renewable energy chart

Historical Energy Events

  • Standard Oil

    Standard Oil
    John D. Rockefeller forms Standard Oil Company
  • Electricity!

    Chicago World’s Fair showcases electricity
  • Fracing

    First commercial “frac” job at Hugoton gas field, Kansas
  • Atmospheric CO2 and EPA

    Atmospheric CO2 and EPA
    -Atmospheric CO2 hit 325 parts per million -Nixon creates Environmental Protection Agency
  • Department of Energy

    Department of Energy
    Carter establiishes the Department of Energy
  • Renewable energy

    Renewable energy
    Renewables account for about 8 percent of total U.S. energy supply
  • Prius

    Toyota Prius hybrid goes on sale in U.S.
  • Leaf

    Nissan’s all electric Leaf goes to market
  • Renewables in US

    Renewables account for about 9 percent of total U.S. energy supply
  • Wind power

    Wind power
    Wind provides 4 percent of US electric generation