let there be light
truth Although Thomas Edison, an American scientist is credited with discovering the light bulb, he is merely over-glorified for making improvements to the orginal design. Nearly 80 years before Edison's improvents, English scientist Humphry Davy discovered that energy could be channled into wires to burn a filament that would produce light. This would eventually become the lightbulb. -
First solar cell
solar cells
The earliest solar cells were created in the late 1800's. An American inventor by the name of Charles Fritts is credited with being the first scientist to describe an actual solar panel that was composed of a photoconductive element called selenium. -
Geothermal Energy
goethermal power stationIn 1904, the first geothermal energy demonstration was begun in Larderello, Tuscany, Italy. This small steam-powered turbines powered 5 lightbulbs. Eventually this small engine would be the site f the worlds first geothermal power station and would provide electricity for over 1 million people in Valle del Diavolo and southern Tuscany -
Nuclear Chain Reaction
chain reaction
The first ever nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated in December 1942 at the Univeristy of Chicago. Enrico Fermi and the University's staff are responsible for the exhibition that proved nuclear chain reactions are possible. Their display would lead to the exploration of weapons and energy alternatives in years to come. -
the race begins
this day in historyAlthough the US and the USSR had been building tension through out the second world war, that tension was never truly released until 1952. On November 1, 1952, the United States dropped the first hydrogen bomb. This form of nulcear energy changed the world by inspiring a fear of bombs. What resulted was one of the most adventurous eras of nuclear energy explorartion ever seen, otherwise known as the space race. -
La Rance Barrage
La Rance BarrageLa Rance Barrage is the worlds first tidal power station. It was created in Brittany, France and is located on the Rance River. The facility is a source of clean, renewable energy and has very little effect on the Rance River estuary. -
3-mile island
3-mile island3-mile Island is yet anoher example of the downside to nuclear energy. When a cooling system in one the nuclear reactors on 3-Mile Island in Pennsylvania malfunctioned, it produced an explosion and fires that released toxins into the environment. This goes to show how dangerous nuclear energy can be. -
wind farms
UsWindpowerIn December of 1980, the worlds first wind farm was opened. US Windpower installed 20 wind turbines in New Hampshire in a effort to produce clean, alternative energy. Although the attempt ultimately failed less than 20 years later, US Windpower proved that it is possible to produce effectice energy with wind and paved the way for companies such as GE Wind. -
Chernobyl Accident 1986
Chernobyl Accident 1986On April 25, 1986, tests were begun that would determine how long nuclear reactors at Chernobyl 4 could contiune to run without an electrical power supply. On April 26, a flawed reactor design led to a series of explosions that would become known as Chernobyl. Chernobyl has become one of the most iconic examples of the negative side of nuclear energy because it released many cancer-causing radioactive gases which are still affecting the people of the USSR(modern-day Ukraine and Russia) today. -
two is better than one
Catalonia energy
Catalonia made great strides in December of 2012 when they combined the benefits of solar and biomass energy into the world's first biomass/solar power plant. The plant will produce enough energy to power 27,000 houses in Catalonia and is the first of its kind to combine alternative energies.