Historical Development of the Measurment of Pressure

  • Oct 14, 1564


    Galileo construed a a pump that draws water from underground up into a pipe. He was puzzled, however, as to why the water rose to a certain point and not any higher.
  • Period: Oct 19, 1564 to

    Discoveries in Pressure

  • Otto von Guericke

    Otto von Guericke
    Invented a vacuum pump to suck water, similar to Galileo, however, he concluded that the reason that the water would not rise any higher than a certain point was due to atmospheric pressure.
  • Evangelist Torricelli

    Evangelist Torricelli
    Created a meter long tube filled with mercury, placed in a basin filled with mercury, and observed as the Mercury fell about 76 cm. this is known as a barometer.
  • Blaise Pacal

    Blaise Pacal
    Pacal used Torricelli's barometer and travelled up and down a mountain. He observed that the pressure increased as he moved down the mountain.
  • Christiann Hugygenes

    Christiann Hugygenes
    Developed the manometer to measure the elastic forces of a gas.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Dalton concluded that in a mixture of gas, the total pressure of the gas is equal to the sum of the individual pressure of each gas in the container. The pressure that is exerted by each individual gas is called partial pressure.
  • Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac

    Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
    In 1802, he introduced the Gay-Lussac law which states that if the mass and volume are held at a constant, then the pressure increases at a constant rate. He also noticed the law of combinined values. For example, if two hydrogen and two oxygen atoms are combined, it creates two volumes of water (H2O)
  • Amadeo Avagadro

    Amadeo Avagadro
    He suggested that the pressure in a container is directly related to the number of particles in that container.