323 BCE
Ancient Greece, The Era of Hellenic culture
The most common type of dwelling in the Hellenistic period was the peristyle house , which got its name from the open light courtyard, surrounded on four sides by porticoes, behind which were the living rooms.Peristyle type houses is in the southern climate a number of signicant practical advantages.The use of sunlight in autumn and winter time for heating, darkening of living rooms in the summer.
[http://www.build-online.ru/histori/65-histirihouse/161-greece.html] -
The ancient Swiss
The houses here were built two and three stories, with than uneven terrain, forced to use the first or basement floor only under that part of the building, which is located in the direction of the slope of the soil – predominantly to the South. This lower floor was built usually of stone and served as a reliable basis for log walls following floors, it housed the stables, the warehouses, and sometimes stalls.
[http://www.build-online.ru/histori/65-histirihouse/162-sweden.html] -
Feb 27, 1000
Norwegian house
the house consisted of a thick log walls with small Windows , thatched or flat earthen roofs ; Plan of old Norwegian houses is primitive. The number of rooms it is very small.In addition to extensive common living room available only to a small bedroom and a small canopy. Part of the exterior walls from the North are surrounded by a covered gallery. Windows even a little bit in the main areas, they turned to the East or South.[http://www.build-online.ru/histori/65-histirihouse/164-norvegia.html] -
Feb 27, 1050
Russian hut
Russian hut is two or more placed in a row of blockhouses, connected by vestibule and porches or walkways. Canopy was a room arranged between two log cabins connected by two walls.The porch transitions and the porch was a short, outer extension, which served for entrance and connection more remote from one another of parts of the house.[http://www.build-online.ru/histori/65-histirihouse/166-russia.html]