5000 BCE
Classic period
Classic period: children are the fruit of the union of two bodies, from a marriage conception. Oriental culture
Egypt (5000 BC-525 BC)
Education depends on the social class; the formation is for the insertion in the society. In the case of the upper classes (Pharaohs and nobility), children are considered as successors of the father, in the case of the lower classes (peasants, artisans and slaves) are considered as reproducers of office. -
1800 BCE
Western culture
Western culture
Greece (1800 BC - 3rd century BC)
The intellectual education and the classical education are developed that try to give knowledge of the moral laws through the legislation of the obligations. The child is considered as an adult project, lacking qualities to develop to be a virtuous citizen, has great deficiencies of character and virtue. -
Century IV
The children were subjected to violent acts and even assassinations not to take charge. Her parents had no legal repercussions.
Infanticide was practiced profusely with: deformed children or with some physical defect; Illegitimate children or the product of adulterous relationships of women; Also because of lack of economic resources to maintain them (in that case, it was also chosen to "donate" the newborn to neighbors or relatives); And sometimes for obscure religious reasons (offerings, etc.) -
5th Century
They were considered small men who must become real men quickly
The child is conceived as a homunculus (man in miniature), there is no evolution, qualitative changes, but change from a lower state to a higher, adult state (Thomas Aquinas).Therefore, the child must be educated to be "reformed." Educating and raising involve physical care, discipline, obedience and love for God but there are no references to the need for love for good child development. -
Middle Age
Throughout the Middle Ages the idea of liberal education disappears altogether. It is no longer a question of forming "freethinkers" but rather the goal of education is to prepare the child to serve God, the Church and his representatives, with a complete subjection to the authority of the Church. Physical education is eliminated since the body is considered to be a source of sin. -
Century VI
the law applies correctives to the people who attack the infants. They leave them in charge of wet nurses, being their parents who instill in them obedience
The Catholic Church banned infanticide, a contraceptive method and was replaced by abandonment as a peculiar form of paternal-filial bond between the fourth and thirteenth centuries, together with the surrender the nurses or nurses, the transfer in adoption and the internment in convents or monasteries -
16th century: The child as property
At this stage there is a marked debate among the aristocrats, theologians and philosophers on the essential nature of the people, against the social and economic reality, and the common perception of the citizens. This, in turn, gave the opinion that the child was a property or an economic resource.
The child labor is an important contribution in the family economy but is not considered a reward for the child. -
Century XVII
The parents pamper their children, dosifying with severity in their homes and schools, formadoras for the life.
Many of the classic ideas about early childhood education are revived. There is a boom in the observations of children that reveal a new interest in child development.
The child is conceived as trying to educate future men, that is, future citizens, future Christians, spouses and parents at the same time. -
Industrial Revolution
With the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of the bourgeoisie drastically reduces the need for child labor and, therefore, many children stop having to go to work and have "too many hours of leisure" to occupy with some activity. Hence, the need to enroll them becomes a primary objective. On the other hand, changes in social life (the emergence of cities) and family life (home life and changes in distribution) promote closer contact between parents and children. -
Century XIX
The parents leave to person outside their children, thinking about the upbringing of the future citizen.
The need for education, education adapted to the maturation level arises, Froebel (1782-1852) promotes the idea of "kindergarten" and emphasizes the continuity between school-home-community education, the importance of children's play for their development and The need for interaction and contact between parents and children. -
20th century
The method helps, the child being the one who identifies what he needs and when he needs it, he receives no aggression or repression -
Century XIX
Initiates women's access to education and develops the first instruments of development measurement (first intelligence test of Binet and Simon, 1905).
It can be said that the scientific study of the child begins in the second half of the nineteenth century. In addition, at the end of that century, a number of practical problems were raised in relation to child rearing and education techniques. -
Convention for the Rights of the Child
With the emergence of the Convention for the Rights of the Child in the 1950s, the child is seen as a social being with rights and duties. It establishes that society and the State must provide protection, education and care for the satisfaction of their basic needs and for the achievement of their integral welfare. A school ideal is clear, in which children develop skills, introduce the stages of cognitive development and the need for social and moral adaptation. -
XXI century
life cycle where children are recognized as subjects of rights, being the educational agents who look after their well-being
Unicef's childhood emerges as the mechanism of control of a new political and cultural order that is expressed in the doctrine of integral protection.This perspective makes it possible to rethink the meaning of legislation for children, making them effective instruments for the defense and promotion of the specific human rights of all children and adolescents. -
XXI century
-Defined childhood as a separate space from adulthood and recognized that what is appropriate for adults may not be appropriate for children.
-Encouraged Governments to provide material assistance and support to families and to avoid separation of children and their families.
-Recognized that boys and girls are holders of their own rights and therefore are not passive recipients of charity, but protagonists with the power to participate in their own development. -
How are these changes closely linked to the social moment we live now days?
We can note that the conception of childhood has been modified over time in order to foster an ideal growth environment with which the infant can develop their physical, intellectual and emotional capacities, in addition, thanks to the creation of children's rights Childhood has been recognized as the most vulnerable stage of growth, a fact that allows us to give it the importance that children deserve, which on the contrary was ignored.