
Historical change in the conception of childhood.

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    It is achieved that the child is considered as a social being with rights and duties. Also, it is established that society and the state must provide protection, education and care for the satisfaction of their basic needs for the achievement of their integral well-being.
  • 354

    Years 354 - 430

    Years 354 - 430
    At this time it is coined that man is born of sin and for this reason the child is the living image of the slip (slight unintended error generally due to lack of reflection or care). This caused at that time that many children did not have the warmth of home, maternal affection and that at the same time they came to their family as something annoying. Infanticide, abortion and abandonment were customs for this time.
  • 370

    IV century

    IV century
    In this century it was called that parents are owners of their children, they were considered as a type of burden. Also, children were used according to their parents' interest and provoked fears, phobias and fantasies in adults.
  • 401

    XV century.

    XV century.
    Because what was said by Saint Paul in the Bible was taken as a postulate, that every human being is born with original sin and already depends on you, by devotion to Jesus Christ you could regain the state of grace with God, children were subjected to ruthless corporal punishment in order to dominate them. In this century, the educational system was characterized by not providing knowledge in a correct way, if not, it taught through mistreatment, torture and beatings.
  • 693

    Year 1693

    Year 1693
    In this year, John Locke said that the child is like a blank slate where there is nothing written, that is, the child is innocent, it is nothing, thus, the child can be molded, there is no knowledge, nor innate abilities, nor sensory experiences.
    It was established that for the child to be an educated person, he must be trained.
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    Years 354 - 430.

    Years 354 - 430.
    At this time it is coined that man is born of sin and for this reason the child is the living image of the slip (slight unintended error generally due to lack of reflection or care). This caused at that time that many children did not have the warmth of home, maternal affection and that at the same time they came to their family as something annoying. Infanticide, abortion and abandonment were customs for this time.
  • 1555

    XVI century.

    XVI century.
    "The child as property". The child became property, or an economic resource, among peasant families in England.
    Slavery, children did not belong to their natural parents if not to their masters, they could be a bargaining chip, there was no law to protect them and their care depended on the criteria of their masters.
  • Year 1693

    Year 1693
    Moral education was also said to be more prevalent than the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
    Locke's physiology allowed a shift from severity toward children to compassion and kindness.
  • Year 1762

    Year 1762
    Postulated by Jean Rosseau, he established the thought that the child was in a "state of goodness" and that his natural impulses must be accepted as they are. He said: "The child is born good, it is society that corrupts him."
    Independent judgment must be strengthened when educating.
  • XVI and XVII century

    XVI and XVII century
    Children were considered capable of adopting the same behavior as adults in society. In England or France, children wore the same clothes as adults, slept next to them, worked the same chores, and played the same games. Thus, we realize that the lives of adults and children were mixed, they were not separated by age.
    The family fulfilled a function: the transmission of life, property and surnames.
  • XIX century

    XIX century
    In this century with the laws against child labor, they noted the interest of people in protecting children against exploitation and cruelty, since they were only seen as a source of labor.
  • XX century

    XX century
    Childhood was considered to be similar to primitive development, the development of mental life is like the evolution of life; vegetable, animal, human.
    The child would be shaped by the habits, passions, ideals of those around them and that he will be impressed for better or for worse, by everything he sees and hears.
    Parents had to impose routine habits on life so that in this way its eternal success was ensured and gave it impulses.
    At this time behavioral psychology arises.
  • XX century

    XX century
    The concept of evolutionary stage is given, which refers to the period of life where most of the behavior is dominated by a particular quality in the way of thinking or in social reactions.
  • XX century

    XX century
    Freudian theories of Psychosexual Development, Erikson's of Psychosocial Development and Piaget's of Cognitive Development are the best known modern psychological theories, which are distinguished by their specific content but all agree that childhood is composed of several stages during the stages. which children are extending much of the logical thinking and social and emotional characteristics which will influence their adult psychology.
  • Years 1946 - 1981

    Years 1946 - 1981
    "The child is a playful being" Erikson in his book "Toys and Reason" mentions that children should play alone and defines the game as the training of life since it allows them to build their identity "even a child of he likes to play not because it is easy but because it is difficult for him "
  • Years 1946 - 1981

    Years 1946 - 1981
    He argues that the lack of valuation, excludes the child from an early source of identity, "is to turn childhood into a separate segment of life with its own folklore and literature, instead of a role preliminary to the adult."
  • Actualidad

    Inequality, protection and peacebuilding are key factors that define the rights of the child and their well-being, particularly in light of a historical moment