Sigmund Freud - Developed theory of psychoanalysis
Developed his theory of psychoanalysis -
Ivan Pavlov publishes theories on conditioned response and reflex
Carl Jung, following Freud's steps, develops psychodynamic theory
Freud began a lecture tour accros North America making his theories widespread
Ernest Jones supports the use of lay ananlysis
John Watson uses prediction to develop Behaviorism
A.A. Brill succesfully petitions to make lay analysis illegal in the United States
Robert Hoppock desgins his career development theory
B.F Skinner coins operant conditioning
Carl Rodgers leads to a distinction between counseling and psychotheraphy
Carl Rodgers designs person-centered Humanistic theory
Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of needs
Jean Piaget begins a focus on cognitive ability
Fretz Perls helps support Gestalism
Aaron Beck begins a real focus on depression