Mar 2, 1472
The Origins of Psychology
In the fith and sixth centuries B.C., the greeks began to study human behavior and decided that people's lives were dominated not so much by gods as by their own minds: people were rational. -
Mar 2, 1566
The Origins of Psycholgy
seventeenth-century philosopher popularized the idea of dualism, the concept that mind and body are sparateand distinct. -
The Origins of Psychology
The French philosopher dissagread with dualism, however, proposing that a link existed between mind and body. -
The origins of Psychology
Sir Francis Galton, a ninteenth-century English mathematician and scientist, wanted to understand how heredity influences a person's abilities, character, and behavior. -
The origins of Psychology
William James taught the first class in psychology at Harvard University in 1875. -
The origin of Psychology
The pioneering work of Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov charted another new course for psychological investigation. -
The origin of Psychology
While the first psychologist were interested in understanding the consciuos mind, Sigmund Freud, a physician wgho practiced in Vienna until 1938, was more interested in the unconsious mind. -
The origins of Psychology
A group of German psychologists, including Max Wetheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, and Kurt Koffka, dissagread with the principes of structualism and behaviorism. -
The origins of Psychology
By the ninteenth-century, biologists had annoumced the discovery of cells as the building blocks of life. -
The origins of Psychology
Later chemists developed the periodic table of elements, and physicists made great progress in furthering our understanding of anotomic forces.