Integration of Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas
In September of 1957, four black children, assisted by heavily saturated armed forces personnel, specifically members of the Arkansas National Guard, attended school in a facility that had previously been whites only. This event followed a congressional ruling that the segregation of public schools in the United States was unconstitutional. -
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Vietnam War
From 1967 to 1972, the United States of America had personnel of the armed forces stationed in Vietnam to help defeat the spread of Communism in Europe and Asia. The conflict was long and grueling, resulting and many unfathomable injuries and even more deaths. -
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
On the 22nd of November, 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.The president was killed during a public parade motorcade in Texas to raise publicity for his upcoming reelection campaign. -
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Activity of the Black Panters
From 1966-1982, a radical African American leftist activist society was actively vying for equal rights for black people in America, in conjunction with the civil rights movement. While claiming the be pacifist, the Black Panthers often used violence underground to achieve their goals. -
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Vietnam Peace Protests
During the years of American involvement in Vietnam, thousands of antiwar protests were held worldwide. These protests were staged by a conglomeration of pacifist activists, including hippies and counterculture societies. -
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
On June 5, 1968, United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot and killed. He was assassinated after winning primaries in the states of California and South Dakota for Democratic candidate for President of the United States. Palestinian immigrant Sirhan Sirhan was convicted for the crime. -
Apollo Eleven Moon Landing
On July 20, 1969, the American Apollo 11 manned moon landing mission became the first mission to land humans on the moon. The event was commemorated by the now famous words, "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." -
Ping-pong Diplomacy
On April 10, 1971, the All-American ping-pong team visited China and exchanged players with the foreign team in an act known as ping-pong diplomacy. This helped ease relations with the communist nation in wake of the Cold War, as China had not seen American visitors since 1949. -
Shooting of George Wallace
On May 15, 1972, George Wallace was shot five times by a would-be assassin. The shooting was done by Arthur Bremer, who claimed to act out of desire for fame rather than based on political ideology. -
Watergate Break-in
On June 17, 1972, five burglars broke into the DNC headquarters in the Watergate complex. They attempted to steal crucial files to the operation of the DNC convention that would help Nixon and his administration politically and financially.
Later, president Richard Nixon unsuccessfully attempted to cover up his involvement in the break-in. The break in and his cover up attempts lead to his ultimate resignation. -
Resignation of President Richard Nixon
On the 9th of August, 1974, United States President Richard Nixon became the only president in history to resign the office. His resignation was in light of his almost certain impeachment in conviction of attempting to cover up his involvement in the Watergate scandal. -
Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan
On March 30, 1981, an attempt on the life of United States President Ronald Reagan was made by John Hinckley Jr. The would-be assassin's motivation was to impress the actress Jodie Foster.