Armstrong Nursery originated (award winning hybrid roses)
Benjamin Harrison inaugurated as 23rd President of United States
Period: to
City of Ontario/United States Nationwide
Graber Olive House (family owned olive processing business)
General Electric established (Thomas Edison brought together business interests)
The Hotpoint/General Electric (Hotpoint Flat Iron Plant)
Franklin D Roosevelt elected to New York State as a Republican
Granger-Hall Electric Co. (Provided electricity for customers)
New Mexico 47th state admitted to the Union
Daughters of the American Revolution Artifacts
Casa-Blanca Hotel (eventually demolished)
Womens International League for Peace and Freedom founded by Jane Addams during WW1.
Kiwanis Club of Ontario established (purpose service learning)
Adolf Hitler goes on trail for treason
Sunkist Orange plant established
Dole's first pineapple is harvested on Lanai (takes 2 years)
Construction for new City Hall for City of Ontario 1st City Hall becomes Museum of History and Art
Richard Nixon attends Whittier College
All States Annual Picnic Event Tradition begins (4th of July)
World Health Organization founded
Christmas on Euclid Event Begins (Decorations, Ornaments)
Christmas on Euclid Event Begins (Decorations, Ornaments)
Dr. Seuss publishes his breakthrough book, "The Cat in the Hat"
Ontario Motor Speedway (Race Track) built
Congress passes the Equal Pay Act
Beecher Medlin (President of VIP Flowers)
Bill Gates enrolls at Harvard University
Museum of Art and History established
Bill Clinton is elected governor of Arkansas
Museum is named city landmark #2
Snoop Dogg 1st releases "What's my name II?"