Historia Y Literatura I - Maldonado Mauricio

  • Period: 700 BCE to 43 BCE

    Celtic Occupation

    iron working--> allowed improvements in agriculture
    Historical figure: Queen Boudicca fought against the Romans. Referentiality: Women of power
  • Period: 43 BCE to 400

    Roman Occupation

    Literacy: Reading and writing only for the Upper Classes conformed by tradesmen and landowners.
    Design of roads improved communication and trading
  • Period: 400 to 793

    Anglo Saxon Occupation

    The Witan, antecedent of the parliamentary regime
    Division of lands in shires
    Introduction of new technologies in agriculture
    Each district: “manors”
    Catholicism introduced by St. Augustine. Institutionalization of Faith. Concentration of religious power in the monarchy.
    Celtic Church: Interested in the practice of faith of the common people
    Power of Christian Church
    Monasteries: Antecedents of Educational system
    "Anglo Saxon Chronicle" An ecclesiastical history of English people by Bede.
  • Period: 793 to 1064

    Viking Occupation

    "The Danelaw" as an antecedent of the British Legal System.
  • Period: 1064 to 1077

    Norman Occupation

    Last invasion by William the Conqueror
    Feudal system: A concentration of lands and owners in a few hands and with this a new stratification of society.
    Anglo-norman language displaced old English
    Doomsday book: statistic document
  • 1086

    Domesday Book ( Great Survey)

    William's strategy include a survey in order to know who owned lands and how much those lands worth.
    _To plan economy
    _To know the produce
    _To stimate taxes
  • 1215

    Magna Carta (Great Charter)

    Beginning of personal rights and social classes.
    Paid army.
    Freemen : _Had protection from his officers
    _Right to fair legal trial
  • 1337

    100 Year War (1337 - 1453)

  • 1348

    Black Plague (Black Death)

    Lasted from 1348 - 1349
    Less than half of the population survived.
    Shortage of labour: _End of serfdom ( no more vassals, because now they got paid)
    _Money for labour
    Rise of Farmers as Yeomen ( Rich farmers or Terratenientes)
  • May 30, 1381

    Peasant's Revolt

    Leader: Wat Tyler (Protestant)
    Asked for fair treatment (Payment, rigths, nice living conditions)
    Lasted 4 weeks.
  • 1455

    The War Of Roses (1455 - 1485)

    A dispute for the throne between the houses of Lancaster and York.
    Ended on the Battle of Bosworth where Henry Tudor defeated Richard III, and married a Yorkist girl called Elizabeth.