
  • 2019 BCE

    the middel age

    the middel age
    the middel age starts at 476 d. C is a periodization that allows dividing history into different stages. The Middle Ages is a historical age that happens to the Old Age and precedes the Modern Age.
  • 2019 BCE

    modern age

    modern age
    Stage in which history is traditionally divided, from the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in the year 1453 until the beginning of the French Revolution in the year 1789. Modern age.
  • 2019 BCE

    old age

    old age
    the old age start at 3.500 a.c
    coincides with the fall of the Roman Empire, in the year 476 AD. C. The Ancient Age begins with the invention of writing in different places simultaneously and with it emerge great civilizations such as China, Maya or Mesopotamian.
  • 2019 BCE

    contemporary age

    contemporary age
    the contemporary age The contemporary or modern age is the historical period that begins in the year 1789 with the French Revolution and continues until the present.