Història de la Física: La φύσις a la Grècia Antiga / Abans de Newton / Electromagnetisme / Termodinàmica
Period: 600 BCE to 500 BCE
Tales de Milet -VI
Period: 550 BCE to 450 BCE
Pitàgores -VI a -V
Period: 500 BCE to 400 BCE
Leucip de Milet -V
Period: 450 BCE to 350 BCE
Demòcrit d'Abdera -V -IV
Period: 430 BCE to 350 BCE
Plató: -430 a -350
Period: 380 BCE to 320 BCE
Aristòtil: -380 a -320
Period: 340 BCE to 270 BCE
Epicur de Samos: -340 a -270
Period: 95 BCE to 55 BCE
Lucreci: -95 a -55
Period: 1473 to 1543
Copèrnic: 1470-1540
Period: 1550 to
Tycho Brahe: 1550-1600
Period: 1564 to
Galileu: 1560-1640
Period: 1571 to
Kepler: 1570-1630
m: Imants naturals
Period: to
Newton: 1640-1727
Period: to
Franklin: 1706-1750
Classificació aillants / conductors
Period: to
Coulomb: 1740-1810
e: Ampolla de Leiden 1740s
Period: to
Rumford [Benjamin Thompson]: 1750-1810
Period: to
Ampère: 1780-1840
Period: to
Ørsted: 1780-1850
Period: to
Faraday: 1790-1870
Benjamin Thompson "An Experimental Enquiry Concerning the Source of the Heat which is Excited by Friction" (1798)
e: Pila
Period: to
Mayer: 1810-1880
m: 1820 Experiment d'Oersted
Period: to
Loschmidt: 1820-1890
Period: to
Thompson (Lord Kelvin): 1820-1910
Period: to
Maxwell: 1830-1880
Period: to
Boltzmann: 1840-1910
Period: to
Zermelo: 1870-1950
Descobriment ones electromagnètiques