• Sandhurst Manifesto

    The manifesto was signed by Canovas in Sandhutst, where he promised a constitutional government. And thanks to this manifesto, Canovas helped Alfonso XII to achieve the abdication.
  • Period: to

    Reing of Alfonso XII

    The spanish monarchy was restored thanks to the arrival of Alfonso XII to the throne. During his reign the political system was support by two elements:
    The constitution of 1876 and the alternance of the conservative and the liberal party.
    There were internal problems on this reign, such as the Opposition to turnismo, the labour movement.
    In 1885 the king Alfonso XII died of tuberculosis at the age of 27 causing that his wife Maria Cistina to assume the regency.
  • PSOE is founded

    PSOE is founded
    This political party was created during the period called: Opposition to turnismo.
    The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) was created by Pablo Iglesias.
    Was consolidated by the huge surge in the labour movement
  • Period: to

    Regency of Maria Cristina

    When Alfonso XII dead in 1885 due to tuberculosis, his wife, Maria Christina de Habsburgo Lorena held the restoration throught the regency.
    This regency began in 1885 and ended in 1902, when Alfonso XIII, the son of Maria and Alfonso XII, was 16 years old. This regency was led by the liberal political system, with Sagasta as the leader of this party. During the regency appeared obstacles like the regionalism and local nationalism, the crisis of 1898.
  • Beses de Manresas

    Beses de Manresas
    Was a document written by Prat de la Riba, where the catalan nationalism demanded recognition for the catalan language, the establishment of catalan political parties and courts and the Catalan autonomy.
  • Treaty of Paris

    It was a treaty which was signed by Spain by the force, where they recognised the independence of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Also this teatry was the evidence of the end of the war against the US.
  • Period: to

    Reing of Alfonso XIII

    The reign of Alfonso XII began in 1902.
    Spain had a political enviorement unestable with the crisis of the Cánovas political system, the influence of regenerationism and the deaths of Sagasta and Canovas.
    On the other hand, the two-party rotational system was maintained with the conservative and the liberal until the year 1917.
    In 1917 Spain suffered into a several crisis on many aspects such as the militar, politic.
    Finally in 1931 Alfoso XIII went to exile and his reign ended.
  • Tragic Week of 1909

    This event was a serie of violent protest in Barcelona caused by the war of 1909 that requeired reservist to be called up, and the mayority of the reservist were father.
  • Disaster at Annual

    It was the spanish defeated in the Rif War against Morocco.
    Its consequences were 10000 deaths, widespread public commotion and neegatively influencing public opinion
  • Period: to

    Dictatorship of Primo De Rivera

    In 1923 Primo de Rivera gave a coup d'étate and he stablished a dictatorship supported by the king.
    This dictatorship went throught two stages:
    -The Military Directory: Primo suspended the constitution, prohibited political parties, suppresed the labour movement, etc...
    -The Civil Directory: There was an economic boom of the 1920s, but in the 1930s there was an economic crisis. That caused instability in yhe economic aspect. Thanks to that Primo de Rive was forced to resign.
  • Period: to

    Second Spanish Republic

    After this proclamation, a provisional government was formed, made up of republicans, socialist and nationalist who held elections for the Constituent Cortes in 1931.
    The result of this was the cration of the Constitution of 1931.
    The Republic went throught three stages then.
    The reformist Biennium: Niceto Alcalá-Zamora was elected president of the republic and Azaña led a coalition government, the objetive of this was politic reforms. This reforms led to protests, and elections were called.
  • Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    After Primo de Rivera resigned, the king went into exile and the second republic was proclamated.
  • Period: to

    Second Spanish Replublic (II)

    The elections led the victory of the political left and centre.
    The new government was formed by the centrist Radical Republican Party, led by Alejandro Lerroux, who gained the support of the CEDA.
    The new government halted the mayority of the previous reforms, this sparked a revolution.
    In 1936 another elections were called and the left-wings parties won.
    The political violence reached its peak in 1936.
    The conservative sectors ended the Republic throught a coup d'état .
  • October Revolution

    It was a revolution spaked by the new government that halted the previous reforms which led to an increase in strikes and more actions by left-wing partis. The CEDA demanded positions in the government and this was the cause of the revolution.
  • Bombing of Gernika

    Bombing made by the German air force's Condor legion, then the German air force enabled
    the insurgents to control key industrial and mining areas.
  • End of the Civil War

    The civil war ended with the advance of the insulgents and took Catalonia and entered to Madrid without resistance.