histoical psycholgy

  • 550

    the greeks

    the greeks
    Greek philosophers set the frame for psychology by discovering that human behavior was controlled more ny our mind than by the gods.(6th to 6th b.c)
  • the renaissance

    the renaissance
    14th-16th century)refined approach of experimentation through observation. the contributors were Galileo and Copernicus
  • attacking dualism

    attacking dualism
    disagreed with the Dualistic approach of mind and body being two separate entities. they argued that mind controlled the body and together they formed our experience. founder Aristotle.
  • inheritable traits

    inheritable traits
    Francis Galton made in 1822-1911 his writings questioned if behavior is determined by heredity or environment. He claimed the genius trait ran in families.
  • behavioral

    john and pavlov skinner were founders who believed humans were a product of things we've experienced
  • evolutionary

    founded by charles believed we were products of natural selection
  • structuralism

    (Wilhelm Wundt) created for making psychology its own field of study. Was developed intro-spection, a method of self-observation to gather information about the mind
  • biological

    founded by michael and roger which is the psychological study of the brain and behavior
  • functionalism

    (William James) published "the principles of psychology", which focused on the function of the mind and purposes of behavior.
  • psychoanalytical

    founded by alfred adler who believed humans were a product of non-concious desire like sex and anger
  • social-cultural

    founded by albert bandura which believed we were a product of the presence of others. we do what others do people influence us.
  • humanistic

    approach studies the whole person,and the uniqueness of each individual which consisted of abraham moslow as the founder.he humanistic approach in psychology developed as a rebellion against what some psychologists saw as the limitations of the behaviorist and psychodynamic psychology.
  • cognitive

    founded by gustav fechner believed behavior is a result of thinking process.affect of learning behavior.