hisory project

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    William Avery Bishop Jr.

    William Aver Bishop Jr. also known as Billy Bishop was Canada beset pilot in World War 1. Bishop was the most successful pilot with 72 victories in the sky. With Bishop's raging success in the skies, King George V presented him with the Distinguished Service Order, Military Cross, and the Victoria Cross at Buckingham Palace.
  • Battle of Nueve Chappelle

    Battle of Nueve Chappelle
    The battle of Nueve Chappelle even though not a major battle wasn't without significance to Canada. It was Canada's first full involvement in action with the enemy. It was a battle which was used a learning block for the British. Teaching them the artillery shells were not enough to suppress trenches and learning communication errors which they would fix with the procedure of properly transmitting the information.
  • Battle of Ypres

    Battle of Ypres
    The battle of Ypres was a battle where Canada showed it's bravery and strength for the first time in the war. In the Belgian of Ypres the Germans brought a new style of war with gas. Canada took the worst of the Germans attack which had scared off both the British and the French fighting alongside. Some Canadians did run but others used urine soaked towels as gas masks and stand to fight and inevitable win the battle.
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    Battle of St.Eloi Craters

    The battle of St.Eloi Craters was the first involvement of the 2nd Canadian division which would end in disaster. Canadian's were rushed into the battlefield unprepared. A battle fought with mines caused for great stress. For several days they were in such shortage of guns the British had to fight hand to hand combat. The Canadians came in to relieve the British without even being prepped to the situation, causing them to lose the battle and around 1 370 men.
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    Battle of Mont Sorrel

    The battle of Mont Sorrel was fought by the 3rd Canadian division. They were under constant shelling from the Germans which would blow apart the Canadian lines hundred of troops and causing a massacre to the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles losing 89% of there men.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The battle of Somme was a gruesome fight with the British at offence for more than 4 months. Losing more than 57 000 and the Canadian Corp deployed in Somme being almost wiped losing 24 000 of its own men. With all this lose all we had to show for the many lost was 1.2 km of gained land.
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Battle of Vimy Ridge
    The battle of Vimy Ridge is one of Canada's most famous military accomplishments. Canada fighting with all 4 divisions and Canadian soldiers all fighting along side one another for the first time. Canada won over Vimy Ridge which the French had failed many times with a new tactic. The creeping artillery barrage, which would prove successful with a hefty price losing more than 10 000 men in batlle.
  • Battle of Passchendaele

    Battle of Passchendaele
    The battle of Passchendaele was an ill-fated attack by the British in attempt to drive the Germans away from English channel ports which were valuable U-boat bases. Over 100 000 from the Canadian Corps were ordered into battle despite there Commander General Arthur Currie seeing the fight as a "reckless waste of lives"(Foot).
  • Battle of Amiens

    Battle of Amiens
    The battle of Amiens was a sneak attack which the British had planned using counter intelligence campaign which was carried out to make the Germans believe they were attacking elsewhere. They rushed the Germans with new military equipment such as the tank. The fight for Amiens was a 5 day fight leaving around 11 800 Canadians dead.
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    Battles Arras and Canal du Nord

    The battle of Arras and Canal du Nord was shortly after the battle of Amiens as the Germans for the first time in the war looked vulnerable. The Canadians opening attack was a success pushing the Germans back which costed the lives of 11 000 men. Canada continued the push the Germans back until the inevitable retreated. though not one of the more famous battles it was a success which cause 30 000 Canadians there life.