Period: to
Canadian Timeline
Documents, Acts and treaties - The Manitoba Act
- formation of our fifth province
- gave constiutional guarantees for french language and catholic schools
Provincial Notes - British Colombia joins confederation
- Transcontinental railroad was on it's way
- gold found in the fraser river make Canada more enthusiastic to stake it's claim on the land
Notable Events - Northwest Mounted Police Founded
- Sir John A. Macdonald wanted a permanent force to patrol new territory purchased from the hudson's bay company
- later merged with other police forces to form the RCMP
Documents, Acts and treaties - The indian act
- full date unknown, date given is placeholder
- outlined land rights, status rights, and the manangement of reserve funds by "Indians"
Notable Events - First Female Doctor
- Emily Stowe, an advocate for women's suffrage, becomes the first woman to practice medicine in Canada
Governors and Prime Ministers - John A. Macdonald wins second majority
War and battles - Louis Riel is found guilty of 6 counts of treason
- after his surrender at Batoche and his almost farcical trial, Louis Riel is sentenced to hang
- image is Riel speaking at trial
Governers and Prime Mininisters - The Northwest Territories holds its first election
- 22 new assembly members are elected, all are independents
Governers and Prime Ministers - John A. Macdonald dies in office
- succeded by Sir John abbot
Provincial Notes - Calgary officially becomes a city
Exploration Discovery - Gold discoverd in Yukon, prompting the Klondike gold rush
Wars and Battles - Lord Gray proposes a Canadian Navy
- full date unknown, date is placeholder
Notable Events - Marconi Recives The First Ever Radio Broadcast in Newfoundland
Provincial Notes - Alberta and Saskatchewan Formed
Docments, Acts and Treaties - The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario is Formed
Notable Event - First Canadian Airplane Flight Takes Place in Baddeck, Nova Scotia
War and Battles - The Canadian Navy is Formed
- Image is of the first comissioner of the Canadian Navy
Notable Events - Carrie Derick Becomes the First Female Professor in Canada
War and Battles - Canada Fights it's First Battle of WW1 at Ypres
Documents, Acts and Treaties - Robert Borden Introduces Income Tax
- Can't find exact date, Date is placeholder
Notable Events - First Exhibiton of the Group of Seven
Documents, Acts and Treaties - Canada Signs it's First Treaty Without British Signature
Provincial Notes - Labrador is Granted to Newfoundland After Dispute With Quebec
Notable Events - The Great Depression Begins
Notable Events - Cairine Wilson Becomes First Female Senator
Documents, Acts and Treaties - Canada wheat board is formed
Notable Events - Trans Canada Air Lines Begins Flights
War and Battles - Canada Enters WW2
War and Battles - Hong Kong Falls and Canadian P.O.W.s Are Taken
Notable Events - Japanese Interment Begins
War and Battles - Canadian Troops Advance the Furthest of the Allies on D-Day
Documents, Acts and Treaties - Canada Join the United Nations
Governers and Prime Ministers - Vincent Massey Becomes First Canadian-Born Governerer General
Notable Events - Toronto Opens Canada's First Subway System
Documents, Acts and Treaties - Canadian Labour Council is Formed
Notable Events - Avro Arrow Program is Cancelled After Numerous Setbacks
Provincial Notes - Jean Lesage's Election Beigns "The Quiet Revolution"
Notable Events - Canada Becomes the Third Country in Space With the Alouette 1
Notable Events - Canada Adopts New Flag
War and Battles - All Candian Forces Are United Into One Organization
Provincial Notes/Notable Events - Several FLQ Attacks Throughout Quebec in "Black October"
Notable Events - Ballet Dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov Defects to Canada from Russia
Provincial Notes - The CN Tower is Completed in Toronto, at the Time the World's Tallet Freestanding Structure (Now the 6th)
Notable Events - Canada Adopts the Metric System
Notable Events- O Canada Adopted as Offical National Anthem
Documents, Acts and Treaties - Canada and America Sign Free Trade Agreement
Docments, Acts and Treaties - Multiculturalism Signed Into Official Policy