
Hiroshima timeline

By Iancolq
  • First Nuclear Test

    First Nuclear Test
    The first nuclear test is done in Alamorgordo, New Mexico.
  • Japan ignores the Potsdam Declaration

    Japan ignores the Potsdam Declaration
    Japan ignores the proclamation defining terms for the Japanese surrender, called the Potsdam Declaration.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    Little Boy was dreooped on top of Hiroshima. Around 90,000-100,000 people we killed instantly.
  • Droping warning pamphlets

    Droping warning pamphlets
    The decision to drop warning pamphlets to the japense cities is made.
  • Soviet Union & Japan

    Soviet Union & Japan
    The Soviet Union lets Japan know that they are entering the war. The decicision is made to set up an International Tribunal at Nuremburg.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    Fat Man, the world third atomic bomb is dropped over Nagasaki. An estimated 75,000 people were killed instantly.
  • U.S. drops warning leaflets on Nagasaki

    U.S. drops warning leaflets on Nagasaki
    The United States drops warning leaflet over Nagaskai after the bombing.
  • Manhattan Project Releases report

    Manhattan Project Releases report
    The Manhattan Project releases a report discussing the woring of the Manhattan Project and the basics of nuclear physics.
  • Japanese investigate explosion

    Japanese investigate explosion
    Japanese physicists investigate the center of the Hiroshima bomb explosion. They Start to notice high levels of radioactivity.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Finally after dropping 2 bombs on hevily populated cities the Japanese surrender and agree to the Potsdam Declaration.