Hiring Process

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    Request to Hire

    The process of hiring at San Antonio College is a lengthy process and takes a long time to go through the process entirely. It starts with the College Executive Team (CET) application form which is filled out by the hiring manager. Once filled out it goes to the Dean of Student Success. the Dean of Academic Success, and the CET for approval to start the hiring process. CET only meets once a month so it can take 2 to 3 months if all members are there.
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    Request to Post Job

    Once approved, the vacancy goes back to CET for approval to post requisition which can take 2 to 3 weeks.
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    Post Approved

    The post will go to HR, the hiring manager, the Dean, the Budget Officer, the Vice President, the President to approve the posting. This process can take approximately 1 to 2 months.
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    Job Posted

    The job is required to be posted for 30 days. The hiring manager is required to wait 10 days before candidate selection can start.
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    Review and Interview Candidates

    The hiring manager creates a scoring matrix and selects a hiring committee. The committee scores the applicants and depending on the applicant pool, at least the top 5 or 6 are selected for interviews. In my department, we score all the applicants in one day and schedule interviews with 2 or 3 days. This part of the process for my department takes no more than a week to complete
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    Selection of Candidates

    Once 2 candidate are selected, the hiring manager builds a hiring packet for each candidate. The packet includes the application, 2 to 3 refence checks, college transcripts, and the interview question with notes from everyone on the hiring committee. This packet then goes to the Dean and Vice President. This process is quick for us and only takes a day or two to complete.
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    Schedule 2nd Interview

    Once the hiring committee selects the candidates, the Dean and Vice President schedule the candidates for the second interview. The time line on this process varies because both the Dean and Vice President have to be available at the same time for the interview. Normally it can take up to a month.
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    Schedule 3rd Interview

    One candidate will move forward to the 3rd interview with the President of the college. This process can take up to a month because of the President's schedule and finding an opening.
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    Hiring the Candidate

    Once the selection is made, the individuals hiring packet is forwarded to HR to complete a review of the packet, a salary equity review, contact the candidate with a verbal offer. If the applicant accepts the offer, HR will conduct a background check (this varies based on what state the candidate moved from).
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    Written Offer

    Finally the candidate will receive a written offer. Once the candidate accepts the written offer, HR initiates the hiring process, a start date is assigned and the Director of the department is notified.
  • Process Effectiveness

    The hiring process is effective but extremely time consuming. Having so many people required to approve every step of the process and how many times approvals needed to start the process, San Antonio College loses many qualified candidates before they are hired because of how long the process takes.
  • What Works Well and Not So Well

    The interview process works well. What does not work well is how many approval from so many people. It slows down the hiring process and well qualified candidates are lost because of it.
  • Equity Review

    Another area that does not work well is the equity review. HR looks at the people in similar positions and their education and base the new hire starting pay off of that. This is another area where we lose a lot of candidates. If a person is in an entry level position and has a higher degree than the candidate, the candidate will start at the base salary.
  • Hiring Process Proposal

    The biggest piece I would change be at the start of the process would be to include all parties that are required for approval from the start for posting so it does not have to go through them a 2nd time to post the position. I would keep the rest of the process the same from the interviews thru initiating the hiring process that San Antonio College already has.