Thai buddha 1341405441 b


  • Civil Rights Demonstrations in Atlants

    Civil Rights Demonstrations in Atlants
  • Lunch-counter sit-ins spread to 15 cities in 5 southern states

    Lunch-counter sit-ins spread to 15 cities in 5 southern states
  • Ban The Bomb Demonstrations start worldwide

    Ban The Bomb Demonstrations start worldwide
  • Timothy Leary, 39, tries psilocybin mushrooms in Cuernavaca

    Timothy Leary, 39, tries psilocybin mushrooms in Cuernavaca
  • U.S. starts underground nuclear testing

    U.S. starts underground nuclear testing
  • U.S. Surgeon General declares cigarettes cause lung disease

    U.S. Surgeon General declares cigarettes cause lung disease
  • Bob Dylan's first visit to England, meets The Beatles & Rolling Stones; turns The Beatles on to marijuana.

    Bob Dylan's first visit to England, meets The Beatles & Rolling Stones; turns The Beatles on to marijuana.
  • Time Mag calls young people "generation of conformists"

    Time Mag calls young people "generation of conformists"
  • The Psychedelic Shop head shop opens on Haight Street, S.F.

    The Psychedelic Shop head shop opens on Haight Street, S.F.
  • Walk for Love and Peace and Freedom: 10,000 + in New York City

    Walk for Love and Peace and Freedom: 10,000 + in New York City
  • Gathering of the Tribes, First Human Be-In, 20,000, S.F.