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  • 1620- Pilgrims first arrived

    1620- Pilgrims first arrived
    When they arrived in Virginia the Native Americans helped them live by teaching them to plant. http://www.softschools.com/facts/13_colonies/massachusetts_colony_facts/2038/
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving
    In 1621 the first Thanksgiving was three days long and was between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims; they ate much food and had a good time, even though not every year there was lots of food. https://www.sec.state.ma.us/cis/cismaf/mf4.htm
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving
    In 1621 the first Thanksgiving was three days long and was between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims; they ate much food and had a good time, even though not every year there was lots of food. https://www.sec.state.ma.us/cis/cismaf/mf4.htm
  • Puritans move to a new place

    Puritans move to a new place
    John Winthrop and other wanted to get away from the Church of England and so they got a charter from King James l. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Massachusetts
  • First Public School In The Colonies

    First Public School In The Colonies
    The first public school system in the United States was founded in Boston in 1635 and Boston Latin was the first public school in the United States. The Mather School in Dorchester, Massachusetts was founded in 1639 as the first public elementary school. http://massachusettsfacts.facts.co/funmassachusettsfactsabout/massachusettsfacts.php
  • The first college in the United States

    The first college in the United States
    Harvard University, the country's first college, was founded in 1636 in Newtowne(Now Cambridge). http://capuano.house.gov/about/didyouknow.shtml
  • Salem Witchcraft Trials

    Salem Witchcraft Trials
    In Salem Massachusetts people were sentenced to death for being a witch and lasted for three months. Page 96 from my U.S. History Book
  • Witchcraft and the Devil

    Witchcraft and the Devil
    Nineteen people were hanged at Gallows Hill in 1692 for worshipping the devil and practicing witchcraft, and close to 200 others were similarly accused. In 1711, after judge Samuel Sewall and others involved in the Salem witch trials had admitted wrong doing, the colony restored the good names of all accused and granted restitution to their heirs. http://www.history.com/topics/us-states/massachusetts
  • Colonies First Chocolate Company

    Colonies First Chocolate Company
    The Baker Chocolate Company is the oldest producer of chocolate in the United States. The company was initially established when a physician named Dr. James Baker met John Hannon on the banks of the Neponset River. Irishman John Hannon was penniless but was a skilled chocolatier, a craft which he had learned in England and which was, until now, exclusive to Europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Baker_%26_Company
  • The Massacre in Massachusetts

    The Massacre in Massachusetts
    A fight between the colonists and redcoats was about to start, trading insults, the colonists were throwing rocks, snowballs, sticks, anything they could find and throwing them at the troops. Suddenly, a gun shot fired. No one knows who shot first, the redcoats or the colonists, eventually the colonists fled and there were a total of five colonists killed. Page 165 in my book
  • The Boston Tea party

    The Boston Tea party
    On December 16, 1773, a bunch of men and boys went to the Boston Harbor at night and dumped 342 chests of tea into the water. They were dressed as Native Americans so no one knew who they were. The people who organized this were the Sons of Liberty. Page 167 in my U.S. History book
  • The Stamp Act Was Introduced

    The Stamp Act Was Introduced
    The stamp act made it so every legal and commercial documents to carry an official stamp showing that a tax had been paid. All diplomas, contracts, and wills had to carry a stamp. Even newspapers had to be written on special stamped paper, it was a new kind of tax for the colonies and they didn’t like it. Page 160-161 in U.S. History textbook.
  • The Shot Heard Around The World”

    The Shot Heard Around The World”
    American Revolution began in Massachusetts. At around 5am on April 19, 1775, the British army came in face to face with Lexington militiamen led by Captain John Parker. Some unknown person from some unknown location fired the first shot that started the American Revolution.
  • Where the first battles of the revolution where

    Where the first battles of the revolution where
    The first battle of the Revolution was fought in Lexington and Concord, The Battles of Lexington and Concord, fought on April 19, 1775, kicked off the American Revolutionary War (1775-83). On the night of April 18, 1775, hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize an arms cache. http://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/battles-of-lexington-and-concord
  • The First Flag Was Raised

    The First Flag Was Raised
    The first flag of the United American Colonies was raised on Prospect Hill in Somerville, in 1776. http://capuano.house.gov/about/didyouknow.shtml
  • First governor of Massachusetts

    First governor of Massachusetts
    The first governor of Massachusetts was John Hancock, he was elected as governor in 1780 http://www.masshome.com/events.html
  • When Massachusetts became a state

    When Massachusetts became a state
    Massachusetts officially became a state on February 6th in 1788 and was the sixth state to be admitted https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_date_of_admission_to_the_Union
  • Second President elected

    Second President elected
    Our second president of the United States was John Adams, he was elected on March 5, 1796. http://www.masshome.com/events.html
  • When Basketball was invented

    When Basketball was invented
    Dr. James Naismith, a physical education teacher at the International YMCA in Springfield, invented the game of basketball in December 1891 as a way to occupy his students indoors during the cold winter months. The first game was played with a soccer ball and two peach baskets nailed to railings 10 feet above the floor. http://www.history.com/topics/us-states/massachusetts
  • The Boston Bombing

    The Boston Bombing
    Two bombs went off near the end of a marathon race, the FBI states that they went off around 8-12 seconds from each other and they were inside pressure cookers in backpacks. The bombing killed three people and injured over two hundred and sixty four people. http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/03/us/boston-marathon-terror-attack-fast-facts/