Hilary Putnam (07/31/1926 – 03/13/2016)
Computer science - 1960
Hilary Putnam and Martin Davis were profoundly acknowledged for their work in computer science, as they both worked and developed the Davis-Putnam algorithm.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=206&v=sBTTRwpJWi0&feature=emb_logo -
Hilary Putnam (07/31/1926 – 03/13/2016)
Philosophy of mind - Late 1960s
Hilary Whitehall Putnam was a mathematician, computer scientist, and an American philosopher. One of his famous works in philosophy was the philosophy of mind.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4HQZrOeZ7E -
Hilary Putnam (07/31/1926 – 03/13/2016)
Philosophy of language - 1973
The Twin Earth thought experiment captured the philosophy world by storm with criticism and influence. -
Hilary Putnam (07/31/1926 – 03/13/2016)
Philosophy of Mathematics – 1975
Putnam had a significant role in the philosophy of mathematics in the indispensability argument for mathematical realism.