High school

  • Paralimpics Games

    They were games held with Blanca, our old P.E teacher. Some of this games consisted of playing football blindfolded with a ball with jingle bells inside of it, also we played guessing films with mimics, and play basketball launching the ball while you are sit in a chair
  • Trip to Baeza, Jaen and Quesada

    Trip to Baeza, Jaen and Quesada
    That day we first were at the Baeza's Cathedral, then we went at the headquarters of the newspaper of Jaen, from there we visited the museum dedicated to Miguel Hernandez.
  • Competitions in Quesada

    Competitions in Quesada
    In this day we went to Quesada to play a volleyball competition, another high schools from other towns were there too.Also we did athletism events. We met a lot of new people, we enjoyed and loved that day.
  • Trip to Sevilla

    Trip to Sevilla
    That day we started a 3 day excursion to Seville, the mines of Rio Tinto and the cave and castle of Aracena. In Seville we visited the most famous monuments, like the cathedral or the Real Alcazar of Seville.
  • Trip to El Salar and Jaén

    Trip to El Salar and Jaén
    it was a trip that we did to Salar an old roman city, after this we went to Granada, specifically to the Nevada Shopping. Then we were to Jaen's bomb shelter, built for the Spanish Civil War in 1936
  • Graduation

    That was the end of our time at the ESO and we took on new challenges, we parted from many friends to comply our dreams, in conclusion it was an unforgettable day.