High class music band

  • When Ousmane and Makelele moved to Toronto

    They are brothers, and when their parents died, they had to move to Toronto, because there they had many posibilities for having a good job. When they moved there, they had 18 and 23 years
  • When Claire and Diana met

    When Claire and Diana met
    Diana enter to a Toronto University, and she met some exchange girls. One of them, was Claire. Diana and Claire connected almost instantly, they had a very good relation and they became best friends
  • When all the band members met

    When all the band members met
    Claire and Diana went to party, there, they noticed that two boys were singing and their voices were amazing. When they finished singing, the girls talked with them. They told them how beautiful where their voices, and they started talking about music. The girls told them that they were also singers, and some places called they for perform. After this, they went every day for seeing the boys singing and in some ocations Claire and Diana also sung. They started talking and hanging out with them
  • When they become close friends

    When they become close friends
    They became close friends in summer 2018.
  • When they started being famous

    When they started being famous
    In summer 2018 we started composing our own songs and one of them got viral! A lot of people started following us and they wrote us asking when we post more videos. We realized that if we made more music, we could been recognized artists, so we posted more music videos, and thats where we started being famous.
  • Our fist music companie

    Our fist music companie
    Our songs arrived to some of the most famous music companies, and they started calling us. We decided that we will form part of one of those. We signed the contract with them nd we started producing "good music" with a lot of experts.
  • Our first music concert

    We remember our first concert like our birthday date. We were very nervous because we didn't know if it was going to work out for us, but when we went to stage, our nerves disappeared. There were lots of people that were applauding us, and we got very excited.The music concert was amazing and we had so much fun!