Period: to
Before the 29th of April the Aboriginal people were in the "dream time" as they were telling relatives and friends about the beginning of their land -
Info - Owning the Land - Indigenous Perspective
The survival of the Indigenous people depended on knowing the land, and knowing which resources were available at certain times and in certain locations. If necessary, the Indigenous peoples moved between camps to gather and collect food. Land to Indigenous groups is not private land; it cannot be bought or sold. It is not owned by any one person but rather the land, and all the things living on it, needs to be looked after and cared for by the clan. -
Info - Political
America refused to take any more convicts from England so they had to find someplace else to take their prisoners. This is when they went searching and found the new land that is now Australia. -
Info - Boundries
Some territories could be shared between different clans, but to enter the homeland of another group required negotiation and ceremony. It also meant that the visiting group had to return the deed and allow access to their land. Indigenous peoples also knew what was happening in distant lands through trade relations, and through Dreaming stories and songs that were learnt from other groups. -
Info - Social
The life of the people that were living in England at the time were upset and didn't seeing the harsh and cruel lives of the convicts. So the Government decide that for the pleasure of the people they would find somewhere else. Which of decided to be Australia. -
Info - Economic
Scientists invented many new machines that were powered by water, steam and coal. The people soon realised that using the machines was cheaper and faster. They need a new place to work the machines because the pollution was becoming a problem so they move most of the machines to Australia -
Captain Cook's Arrival
Captain Cook arrived on the 29 April 1770 and was unsure why there was already a settlement living there, the Aboriginals. -
The interruption of three Aboriginal Groups
The lifestyle of the Bidjigal, Gweagal and Kameygal groups were rudely interrupted on Saturday 29 April 1770. -
Governor Arthur Phillip Takes Charge
How stepped down on the 23 July 1793 -
First Fleet Arrival
The ships of the First Fleet arrived in Sydney Cove. -
The Flag Raising
The British raised there flag so everyone could see and understand that they were now the owners of the land. This started a huge conflict between both settlements. -
A smallpox epidemic decimates the Eora Aboriginal people of Port Jackson, Botany Bay and Broken Bay. -
Bennelong was captured by Governor Phillip in November 1789 - aged 25. He was the translator between the British and the indigenous. He escape in April 1789 and was not seen until September in Manly. He died at Kissing Point on the 3 of January 1813. -
The Spearing of Governor Arthur Phillip
It happened at Collins Cove (now know as Manly Cove). It effected the relationships already built up by the people. After the event, Bennelong went to Governor Phillip to ask for peace between both the parties -
Governor John Hunter Takes Charge
Hunter stepped down on the 28 September 1800. -
Governor Philip Gidley King Takes Charge
Gidley stepped down on the 12 August 1806 -
Governor William Bligh Takes Charge
Governor Bligh stepped down on the 26 January 1808 -
Period: to
The Black War
Where - Tasmania, Van Diemen's Land.
When - 1828 to 1832, 4 years
Tasmania indigenous groups fought back but over 60% of their population was killed in just over the first year.