Hideo Kojima and Konami's Lengthy Breakup

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    Kojima and Konami's Initial "Split"

    Hideo Kojima's name and logo was pulled from Konami's website. Konami then release a statement confirming they and Kojima are still on good terms
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    Konami Starts Looking for New Workers for Metal Gear

    The day after the statement was made, job listings for a new Metal Gear series surfaced online, which lead to people believing that they and Kojima were not on good terms and would be splitting soon. This would be the first Metal Gear game without Kojima at the helm, which of course worried people. However, once again, Konami reassures people that they and Kojima are on good terms.
  • Kojima Logo Pulled from Silent Hills Website

    This called the future of the game into question, and this time Konami provided no further clarification as to why this happened.
  • Konami Removes Silent Hills Demo from PlayStation Store

    Konami delists the Silent Hills Demo from the PlayStation store
  • Silent Hills is Officially Canceled by Konami

  • Konami Issues an Apology to Fans

    Konami then comes out with an apology to fans, as well as detail their future going forward. They express a "mobile first" future, decided to put more emphasis on making mobile games than console games. Making the future of console games from the company, such as Metal Gear and Silent Hill, uncertain.
  • Kojima's Name Removed From Metal Gear Solid V Box Art

    Kojima's name is taken off the box art for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. This was a big deal because while Kojima's name was removed from products before, it found it's way back to those products shortly afterwards. This move felt much more final.
  • Kojima and Konami Finally Split