Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973
This is the first time the U.S. government directly promoted the growth of corn. Farmers were given loans if they: maintained the price of corn at a certain level, and met the quota of corn needed to be grown. P.S. I know this is very far back in time, but I beleive it is important to know how the government first started making corn (HFCS in turn) cheap. http://www.nationalaglawcenter.org/assets/farmbills/1973.pdf -
Michael Pollan sheds light on the overuse of HFCS
Michael Pollan brings awareness to people on HFCS and it's health risks. He says that almost all the food that we eat comes from or at least contains some sort of corn product. This is because of how cheap corn is and it can be largely contributing to obesity in America. http://www.ecoliteracy.org/essays/we-are-what-we-eat -
An extremely controversial Academic Journal Article.
An article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition titled "Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity" blames the rise in obesity on HFCS. The article links the heightened rate HFCS consumption and obesity. It also talks about the way it is absorbed and how it effects appetite. www.cpc.unc.edu/projects/.../Bray-SN-BP HFCS AJCN.pdf -
The Corn Refiners of Association launch "A Sweet Surprise" campaign ad.
In attempts to thwart the shunning of HFCS, The Corn Refiners Association launch a campain ad that tells people that HFCS is no different than sugar. They offer some facts and common misconceptions about HFCS. http://www.sweetsurprise.com/ -
Mercury in HFCS
According to a US study, 9 out of 20 tested products containing HFCS were contaminated with Mercury. The article goes on by saying that this is alarming because of the large amount of HFCS consumption in children. They are prone to the health risks in mercury. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/26/AR2009012601831.html -
Princeton University Rat Study
A Princeton University research team finds that HFCS can make rats considerably more obese in comparison to rats fed regular sugar. They conclude that HFCS is more unhealthy than sugar and offers an explanation of how it is absorbed. -
HFCS ban proposed in NY
Assembllywoman Barbara Clark proposed the ban of HFCS in the state of NY. Clark beleived that the banning of HFCS would lead the the prevention to all diseases and health risks associated with it. People ridiculed her because so many products are made with HFCS and it would never become a law. http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Legislation/Skepticism-over-NY-proposal-to-ban-HFCS -
Big ketchup brand Hunt's Ketchup removes HFCS.
The company reportedly removed high-fructose corn syrup in response to consumers wanting to eat healthier. They say that their ketchup is now made out of all natural ingredients. http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Legislation/Skepticism-over-NY-proposal-to-ban-HFCS -
Scholarly Article reports on fructose concentration in HFCS.
In a 2010 edition of the scholarly journal "Obesity" an article states that the fructose concentrations of HFCS might not not be what was expected. Instead of the reported 55% fructose, they found that some drinks have as much as 65% furctose in comparison to glucose. This is important because it shows that HFCS isn't all that similar to regular sugar. www.goranlab.com/.../Ventura%20Obesity%202010-sugary%20beverages.pdf -
HFCS name to be changed.
The FDA is considering to change the name of HFCS into just "Corn Sugar." The article goes on by saying that corn refiners are "lobying hard" for this name change since HFCS gets a bad reputation on it's name alone. http://planetgreen.discovery.com/food-health/the-fda-may-change-high-fructose-corn-syrup-name-to-corn-sugar.html -
Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Review reports findings on HFCS
An academic journal article named "High fructose corn syrup: Production, uses and public health converns" explains how HFCS is used, how it is made, how we aborb it and it's health concerns. Some health concerns that revolve around HFCS includes: a higher level of fructose, a tangible amount of mercury, and an effect on honey bees. HFCS might be causing colony collapse disorder.