
Renaissance of Humanism Timeline (By: Heyder Cheema)

  • 1643 BCE


    Scientific measurement used in meteorology to measure the atmospheric pressure. Evangelista Torricelli is credited for inventing it but however some historical documentation say a Italian Mathematician and Astronomers formed it but never was complete. Evangelista invented the Barometer in 1643.
  • 1504 BCE

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    Although during the Renaissance period Leonardo da Vinci was known as the greatest artist. His popular portraits is the Mona Lisa (1503-1505). The Mona Lisa was composed of oil painting on poplar wood panels. Leonardo painting now hangs out in Louvre Paris. Where it is still hanged in the 21st century as historical significance.
  • 1495 BCE

    Robotic Knight

    Robotic Knight
    Leonardo Di Vinci invented the first robotic Knight in 1495 as the world first modern aged mechanism. The suit of armor had mechanism that were made up of: gears and pulley in order to make the knight stable.The origin dates back in Italy.
  • 1450 BCE


    Is a device used to measure the winds speed and any other atmospheric gases. Leon Batista Albertia invented the first device around 1450. The device originated in Genoa Italy.
  • Period: 1450 BCE to 1456 BCE

    Invention of the Printing Press

    German Johannes Gutenberg was the inventor of the printing press in the 15th century. This contribution lead to technology of mass producing books in Europe. Which enabled European readers to gain knowledge from reliable sources (books).
  • 1428 BCE

    The Origin of the Masaccio painting

    The Origin of the Masaccio painting
    In 1401 a competition was held in Florence to honor the commission for bronze doors to be placed on the part of a church of San Giovanni. The person was Lorenzo Ghiberti who was a goldsmith and painter was victorious but Flippo and Donatello left for Rome. Then practiced in the study of ancient culture and sculpture they returned again to Florence and became the co-founder of Renaissance painting which was known as Masaccio. Which at the time was considered scientific precision.
  • History of Humanism

    History of Humanism
    Humanism started off with a person that co-founded his political beliefs on how a government should be run. His name was Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer (1766-1848). German scholar known as Friedrich Niethammer by a 19th century who employed their belief on ending the renaissance of cultural studies. The Renaissance Humanism originated in Florence Italy and the cultural movement made it predominant in the 15th century in Western Europe.
  • Role of Humanism

    Role of Humanism
    Humanism is a right minded stance that emphasizes the value of social status human beings. The government role they play in society is to believe they are a democratic party that believe that human have the right and integrity to established the policy to help give meaning to our community.
  • Purpose of Humanism

    Purpose of Humanism
    Humanism have a philosophy on how the world should be governed and the goals are: freedom of civil liberties, world peace, world unity, and ending poverty. Most religion have an insight of a heir after death that Humanism believes in the idea of denying life after death and the ideology of this culture is to revolutionize society.