heumannk World War 2 timeline

  • the Anchluss of Austria

    the Anchluss of Austria
    -union of Austria to Germany orchestrated by Hitler
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    -British and frnech convinced the ezechs to give up student end and to appease Hitler
  • -Nazi-soviet pact

    -Nazi-soviet pact
    -An agreement between Hitler and Stalin to keep peace beteen each country.
  • Hitler launches blitzkrieg on Norway

    Hitler launches blitzkrieg on Norway
    -Hitler orders a '' Lighting War'' or consistant bombing Norway and Beligum.
  • Operation Sea Lion

    Operation Sea Lion
    • Hitler invades Britain in August and September
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    -Hitler breaks the Nazi-soviet pact and invades soviet union to take their vast natural resources
  • -Attack on Pearl Harbor

    -Attack on Pearl Harbor
    -A Suprise attack on america soil that killed 2,400 people and reason america entered WW2
  • The Big Three Meet

    The Big Three Meet
    -FDR, Winston Churchill and Joesph Stalin meet and decided to first fight the war in Europe and then in the Pacfic (Japenease)
  • Japan losses the battle of the coral sea

    Japan losses the battle of the coral sea
    • A goal of the U.S to defeat japenease one Island at a time and allowed them to move north.
  • D-Day Assualt

    D-Day Assualt
    • US invades France to defeat the Germans.
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    • The big three decided to fight japan within 3 months of germany.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    • Victory in Europe
  • Charter of the united nations

    Charter of the united nations
    • Countries formed a world organization to play a quotes role in world affairs.
  • First test of the manhattan

    First test of the manhattan
    • Project and truman warns japan to surrender
  • -U.S drops A-bomb on Hiroshima and nagasaki.

    -U.S drops A-bomb on Hiroshima and nagasaki.
    • Japan refused to surrender twice to U.S drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagusaki.
  • -Truman Doctrine Adopted

    -Truman Doctrine Adopted
    • A doctrine named after president Truman to contain communism.
  • -Marshell Plan Enacted

    -Marshell Plan Enacted
    • To beat comminism and strength democracy , us drafted money and aid packages
  • -Nato Signed

    -Nato Signed
    -Countries pleged to help one anothor if any of them were attacked.
  • -The Division of Germany

    -The Division of Germany
    -( Why were the soviets mad at the west?)
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    • The soviets responded t nato and formed millitary allience.