Superman man of steel

Hero's Journey Project

  • First Thoughts about Project

    Discussed possible heros with Palar, Elizabeth, and Mason. Research and narrowed down possibilities.
  • Narrowed Down to Terry Fox

    Narrowed Down to Terry Fox
    Only to change my mind later...
  • Got Ideas from Goodreads list

    Got Ideas from Goodreads list
    Added to list of possible heros: Benazir Buttho, Anderson Cooper, Patrick Swayze, Aung San Suu Kyi.
  • Decided on Aung San Suu Kyi and found someone to potentially interview

    Decided on Aung San Suu Kyi and found someone to potentially interview
    Talked to cousin about interviewing uncle in Bangladesh via Skype.
  • After Much Searching, Ordered Book

    After Much Searching, Ordered Book
  • Found Articles on Gale Database

    Found Articles on Gale Database
  • Got Book and Began Reading

    Got Book and Began Reading
    The Lady by Barbara Victor
  • Started work on first blog post

  • Posted first blog post

    Posted first blog post
  • Started on Second Blog Post

  • Downloaded Recording Software and Tested it

    Downloaded Recording Software and Tested it
    Skyped with Patrick to test recording software.
  • Talked to Uncle About Interviewing Him

    Talked to Uncle About Interviewing Him
  • Scheduled Interview To Be Over Skype

  • Had Friends Proofread Paper

    Had Friends Proofread Paper
  • Final Proofread and Posted 2nd Post

    Final Proofread and Posted 2nd Post
  • Started on Rough Draft and interview Questions

    Started on Rough Draft and interview Questions
  • Recorded Audio/Video Interview with Uncle

    Recorded Audio/Video Interview with Uncle
  • Began Editing Interview

    Began Editing Interview