Hernandez Vocabulary Timeline

  • Gruff

    The Phantom Tollbooth- Norton Juster "You must excuse my Gruff Conduct" (Rowling Page 32)
    abrupt or taciturn in manner.
  • Slouching

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck- to sit in a lazy drooping way
  • ventriloquist

    Goosebumps most wanted:son of slappy by R.L Stine
    "I guess im a pretty good ventriloquist"
    a person who can speak or utter sounds so that they seem to come from somewhere else, especially an entertainer who makes their voice appear to come from a dummy of a person or animal.
  • ambassador

    Page 27# "Selena is the youngest-ever ambassador
    :an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country.
  • Accused

    Diary of a wimpy kid: cabin fever by Jeff Kinney
    charge (someone) with an offense or crime.
    "each group accused the other team of stealing their idea"
  • Flares

    Sisters page 2 by Raina Telgemeirer
    "what about flares? batteries? extra water?
  • Squirm

    Diary of a wimpy kid- The last straw page 207
    wriggle or twist the body from side to side, especially as a result of nervousness or discomfort
  • tender

    diary of a wimpy kid:the last straw
    "my child is a graduate fromm tender cuddles school"
    showing gentleness and concern or sympathy.
  • Sympathy

    Smile by Raina Telgemeier page 45
    feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune
    "thanks for sympathy dad"
  • Ambitious

    Drama by Raina Telgemeier page 230
    having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
    "you had a ambitious plan"
  • digital

    diary of a wimpy kid the ugly truth page 14
    "all you really need is a digital camera"
    values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.
  • Motocross

    50 impressive kids and their amazing and true stories
    introduction page
    cross country racing on motorcycles
    "we've got four year olds winning motocross races."
  • Biomedical

    50 impressive kids and their amazing and true stories.
    "Part of Biomedical research" page 34
    relating to both biology and medicine
  • Cystic Fibrosis

    Cystic Fibrosis
    Ghosts by raina Telgemeier
    a hereditary disorder affecting the endocrine glands
    "Maya has Cystic fibrosis" page 5
  • Eager

    Diary of a wimpy kid Double down pg 90
    " i hadnt been so eager to get them out the door"
    wanting to do or have something very much.
  • shallows

    Doll bones by Holly Black
    "They'd crash the ship against the shallows"
    an area of the sea, a lake, or a river where the water is not very deep
  • Mutilated

    Dork diaries:Tales from a not so perfect pet sitter pg 53-135
    ¨{I cant believe you completely Mutilated Mrs wallabangers prizewinning flower garden! pg 135
    inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on
  • Boast

    Tales from a not so perfect pet sitter pg 289-334
    ¨Dad boasted¨
    talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.
  • Peril

    The fault in our stars pg6
    ¨a recurrence had placed his remaining eye in mortal peril¨
    serious and immediate danger
  • osteosarcoma

    The fault in our stars page 18
    ¨osteosarcoma sometimes takes a limb to check you out.¨
    A type of bone cancer that begins in the cells that form bones.
  • protagonist

    The fault in our stars pg 38
    one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text
    ¨but the protagonist¨
  • Perpetuity

    The fault in our stars pg 50
    a bond or other security with no fixed maturity date
    "it cant end it should at least continue to perpetuity" pg 50
  • Topography

    The fault in our Stars pg 85
    the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.
  • Envy

    a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
    "more girls have dumped him out of car than my lips have even kissed" pg 55
  • Candid

    Thirteen reasons why page 130
    truthful and straightforward; frank
    "Candid shots of the human body"
  • devised

    Thirteen reasons why pg 238
    " So she devised a way for us to anonymously say what we felt"
    plan or invent
  • Orb

    Thirteen reasons why pg 273
    a spherical body; a globe
    "The greenish, bluish orb"
  • Grating

    Thirteen reasons why
    "Crushing-Grating(Asher 57).
    sounding harsh and unpleasant.
  • Periodicals

    Anya's Ghost pg 140
    a magazine or newspaper published at regular intervals.
    "check in section periodicals"