Vocabulary Timeline

  • Dire

    Dear Killer "She had longed for murder, needed it somehow, seen a dire need for her unique morality in the world, felt bloodlust." (Ewell 3) extremely serious or urgent.
  • Circulation

    Title: Games She leads me behind the circulation desk and picks up a book on a table near the wall. (Gorman 37) Definition: Movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system.
  • Infuriate

    The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns
    Definition: Make (someone) extremely angry and impatient.
    "Alex and Conner only heard the tail end of their conversation but it was enough to infuriate them." (Colfer 81)
  • Beau

    The Land of Stories: "She tossed aside her book, which was thin and mostly pictures, and ran to her beau." Definition: A boyfriend or male admirer.
  • Debris

    The Land of Stories, Chris Colfer "Gracefully gliding around them in the larger pieces of glass among the debris was the reflection of a young woman" (Colfer, 361) Definition: Scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed
  • Inaugural

    The Land of Stories: A Grimm Warning
    "I can't wait for the Inaugural Ball!" Colfer 46
    Definition: Marking the beginning of an institution, activity, or period of office.
  • Befuddlement

    The Land of Stories: A Grimm Warning
    "The general had no time for his befuddlement. 'Tell us where we are and why you may keep your life,' he said" (Colfer 256)
    Definition: Confuse or perplex.
  • Broad

    The land of stories: A Grimm warning
    "He was a very tall and broad man and wore a rounded hat..."(Colfer 255)
    Definition: Having an ample distance from side to side; wide.
  • Finances

    The Land of Stories: Beyond the Kingdom- Chris Colfer " "The potions have been bewitched to reverse their intended effects if a customer is lying about her finances" (Colfer, 80). Definition: The management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.
  • Amends

    Land of Stories: Beyond the Kingdom - Chris Colfer Its the chapters title... Making amends -Reparation or compensation
  • Reputation

    The Land of Stories: Beyond the Kingdom -Chris Colfer " in danger for the sake of her reputation." (pg. 157) The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
  • Stowaways (113)

    The Land of Stories: An Author's Odyssey - pg 33-113 "'My guess is they were stowaways!" the legless pirate said" (Colfer 113)
    • A person who stows away.
  • Ostracized

    The Land of Stories: An Authors Odyssey - pg 135-187 "...and poor Ezmia was often ostracized,heartbroken and lonely." Definition: Exclude someone from a society or group.
  • Accusation

    The Land of Stories : An Authors Odyssey- pg 239-260 "Arthur's knee-jerk reaction was to deny the accusation..." (Coffer 260)
    • A charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
  • Vertigo (325)

    Vertigo (325)
    The Land of Stories : An Author's Odyssey 297-334 "It was so tall,the twins got vertigo just by looking at it."
    • a sensation of whirling and loss of balance, associated particularly with looking down from a great height.
  • Pretentious

    Delivered 30% - 68% "---the idea seemed too overrated now, too fake, too pretentious." -Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc.
  • Impeccable (67)

    Impeccable (67)
    The Red Pyramid 100-117 "People will judge you more harshly, and so you must always look impeccable" (Riordan 67).
    • Of behavior, performance, or appearance in accordance with the highest standards of propriety; faultless.
  • Pulp (231)

    Pulp (231)
    The Red Pyramid pages 219- 234 "...both wanted to smash Sadie and me to a pulp" (Riordan 231).
    • A soft, wet, shapeless mass of material.
  • Scuttling (229)

    Scuttling (229)
    "She was still in bird form, scuttling back..." -To run with quick, hasty steps; scurry.
  • Hulking (338)

    Hulking (338)
    The Red Pyramid 319-340 "...hulking shadows that seemed unconnected to anything physical" (Riordan 338). -(of a person or object) large, heavy, or clumsy.
  • Incantation- 412

    Incantation- 412
    The Red Pyramid- pgs 400-414 "She held out her staff and murmured an incantation" (Riordan 412). -A series of words said as a magic spell or charm.
  • Aloft (25)

    Aloft (25)
    The Throne of Fire - pg 13- 29 "From her bag she produced a small statue of Sekhmet, her patron goddess, and held it aloft" (Riordan 25). -Up in or into the air; overhead.
  • Thronging (111)

    Thronging (111)
    Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone- pgs 22-111 "They crammed their pockets with the last of the sweets and joined the crowd thronging the corridor" ( Rowling 111).
    • (Of a crowd) fill or be present in (a place or area).
  • Lingered (114)

    Lingered (114)
    Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone- pg 22- 114 "Her eyes lingered for a moment on Neville's cloak, which was fastened under his left ear" (Rowling 114). -Stay in a place longer than necessary, typically because of a reluctance to leave.
  • Lurch (189)

    Lurch (189)
    Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone -pgs 138-190 "His broom gave a sudden, frightening lurch"( Rowling 189).
    • Make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger.
  • Hygienic (296)

    Hygienic (296)
    Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone - pgs 207-296 "Madam Promfrey, however, felt it might not be very hygienic, and confiscated it" (Rowling 296).
    • Conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially by being clean; sanitary.
  • Walloped (67)

    Walloped (67)
    Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets- pgs 22-67 "Harry felt as though he'd just been walloped in the stomach..." (Rowling 67). -Strike or hit (someone or something) very hard.
  • Tumultuous (194)

    Tumultuous (194)
    Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets 166-210 "The teams walked onto the pitch to tumultuous applause" (Rowling 194).
    • Making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.