Nov 29, 1400
Hernan Cortes
The spanish conqueror of Mexico. The natives were introduced into the holy catholic faith. There wasa third motive and it was spirtual and secular affairs were connected in the 16th century. -
Oct 1, 1492
Christopher Columbus
He believed he could reach Asia by sailing west instead of east around Africa. Christopher reached the Americas where he explored the coastline of Cuba. He had four voages and finally reached central amaerica all of which he called the indies. -
May 29, 1498
Vasco da Gama
He went around the cape and cut across the Indian ocean to the the coast of India. He arrived off the port of Calicut. Vasco took a cargo of spices. -
Aug 30, 1500
Amerigo Vespucci
a Florentine, went along on several voyages. Writer of letters about his voyages. -
Nov 29, 1500
John Cabot
Explored the new England costline of the Americas for England. -
Sep 1, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan
Magellan persuaded the king of spain to finance his voyage to asian through the western hemisphere. He set sail down the coast of south America in search of a sea passage. -
Nov 30, 1526
King Afonso
Generally ignored protest. Was a bad ruler all together -
Dec 30, 1530
Francisco Pizarro
Landed on the Pacific coast of south America with only a small ship of about 180 men. Pizzarro brought steel wepons, gun powder, and horses. The inca had never seen these. -
juana ines de la Cruz
wrote poetry and prose and urged that women be educated