Hermayolis 1619 project

By HC1
  • 1702 BCE

    1702:Act for regulating slaves

    no more than 3 slaves may meet together at any time or place unless they are at work because they where scared of all of the slaves coming together and fighting back
  • August 1619

    In April the Spanish slave ship leaves Angola with an approximate of 350 kidnap Africans their approximate destination is Veracruz mexico. The San Juan Bautista was attacked by the English pirates and had stolen 60 slaves. The remaining 123 slaves are taken to Veracruz by another ship and 147 Africans as its cargo including the 24 boys sold in Jamaica. August 1619 the white line arrives at confront zone carrying 20 to 30 Africans these are the first recorded Africans in the English colonies.
  • 1702: Act for regulating slaves

    Masters may punish their slaves however they choose, short of loss of limb or life they had created these laws because there were more enslaved people then masters and with these laws they could be able to weaken there bodies and make them feel powerless.
  • 1712

    enslave Africans in lower Manhattan set fires and ambush whites, killing nine in retaliation the city executes 21 blacks
  • 1712

    Any slave convicted of conspiring with others to revolt against whites will be put to death.
  • 1722

    black funerals must be held during daylight hours because they were frighten of any spirtuial things happening at night with the slaves and their behavior
  • 1742

    slaves are prohibited from fetching water on sundays, unless the well is adjacent to their masters home so if they did not have a well close to their masters home their would be no water to drink for that day
  • July 4 1776

    the Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the United States written by Thomas Jefferson for equal rights and independence for all men in reality Thomas Jefferson was a Hypocrite and a liar who really made those laws for the equality of all white men to feel superior and Black people had to fight for all rights for this declaration to be true
  • 1799

    New York passes a gradual act to free children born to enslaved women after July 4,1799
  • 1811 german coast revolt

    the german coast uprising was when enslaved Africans overcome and fight back in 1811. one of the most important moments in the united states history when 500 sugar rebels joined a liberation army heading to new orleans only to get destroyed by federal troops and local militia many were killed by this action of bravery.